2018-08-06 Update with EDCMeeting with EDC August 6, 2018 1:16 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Matt Matayoshi, Rebecca Tripp, Commissioner Jackson (1:32 p.m.) Guest: Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester Matt Matayoshi discussed the Rush Road / Interstate 5 interchange at Napavine. He said the DOT is considering roundabouts. He said Napavine and Commissioner Jackson seemed to approve of the plan during a recent DOT meeting. Matt said DOT has a new regional engineer. Commissioner Jackson joined at 1:32 p.m. Matt said the EDC held a telecom meeting, during which the group discussed the cost to build, which can be $10,000 per residence. Commissioner Stamper floated the idea of HOAs making internet hookup mandatory. Matt said the group identified a handful of concerns: match constraints, penetration concerns, engineering requirements, easement / right-of-way costs and private owners who don’t want to allow access. Matt said attendees are mapping their coverage areas. He said the group will meet again in September. Matt said the various groups would apply for their own grants rather than pooling their resources to apply for one grant together. Commissioner Jackson asked if the EDC would hire a dedicated grant writer. Matt said there could be funding needs in the future but that it might be best to identify projects and possible matches before moving forward. Matt discussed using .09 funds as a last resort for projects such as the proposed roundabouts at the Rush Road / I-5 interchange. Matt discussed the Packwood sewer site, which is in the flood plain. He said he’s looking at whether a Letter of Map Amendment can e done. Commissioner Fund said the commissioners will work on a resolution regarding Winlock’s Distressed Counties grant. Matt discussed the need to address tall grass where RVs will park at the fairgrounds. Meeting ended at 2 p.m.