2018-08-21 Budget UpdateBudget Update August 21, 2018 3:35 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Daleyn Coleman (4:01 p.m.) and Archie Smith (4:01 p.m.), Lee Napier (4:28 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler said nearly all budget worksheets have been submitted. Becky said early concerns include the following: • The jail has decreased its revenue for 2018 and 2019 by $640,000. Becky said the Naphcare contract already in effect is for a population of 250. She said the jail is asking for an additional $209,000. She said the jail wants a decision by Sept. 4. Becky urged the commissioners to wait until their budget meetings. The group said the Sherriff’s Office has indicated it would not seek outside jail contracts if the request was denied. • The Roads budget was submitted with a $700,000 reduction. Becky said she is forecasting a use of fund balance of $3.4 million. Becky said PILT revenue for 2019 is not guaranteed. She discussed the possibility of moving the 2018 PILT overage from the general fund to the capital fund. Becky said Public Health will seek a $40,000 increase for increases in line items Health has no control over. Daleyn Coleman and Archie Smith joined at 4:01 p.m. All three commissioners agreed to add the $40,000 to the Health budget. Becky said the PEBB rates will increase roughly 2 percent for 2019. Becky said she’ll be asking the board to decide whether the county would absorb the increase or whether those costs would be passed along to employees. Archie said 90 or so employees remain on WCIF. Becky said retirement costs will go up to about 13 percent. She said FMLA costs also likely will increase. Daleyn and Archie left at 4:18 p.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP BOCC future decisions: • Non-rep medical benefit • Sheriff medical Becky and/or Rieva: Send letters to budget advisory committee members Becky discussed DNR projections. Becky discussed increasing the Treasurer budget to reflect the supplies necessary due to Munis. All three commissioners agreed to do so. All three commissioners agreed to ask all five applicants to serve on the budget advisory committee. The commissioners said they would review signature authority. Lee Napier joined at 4:28 p.m. Steve Walton said the fair’s gate count was up roughly 7,000 over the previous year. He said the rodeo receipts were up roughly $19,000. Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.