2018-08-21 PA UpdateProsecutor’s Update August 21, 2018 2:01 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Ross Petersen, Wayne Whiton, Sara Wibowo, Cullen Gatten Guest: Brian Green Recorder: Rieva Lester Ross Petersen said the Department of the Interior directed the county to contact the Department of Justice regarding the PILT lawsuit. He said the lawyers in the class-action lawsuit would take about one- third of the settlement. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to join the class-action lawsuit against the Department of Interior regarding payment in lieu of taxes (PILT). Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 3-0. Ross said everyone except Assessor Dianne Dorey has signed on to the county’s public records policy. He said he plans to meet with her to address those concerns and that the policy is being updated. Meeting ended at 2:11 p.m.