2018-08-23 Meeting with Community DevelopmentMeeting with Community Development August 23, 2018 - 10am Commissioners Fund, Stamper and Jackson, Erik Martin and Lee Napier Note taker: Lee Napier Start time 10:04am Good of the order- Commissioner Fund shared her observations of the Centralia School Board meeting. Her intent was to invite people to the Borst Avenue meeting. She left the meeting immediately upon presenting as the seating was limited. Airport Transition- Erik briefed the Board regarding the transition from the current Airport Manager to the future Manager. Place an interim person in the position. This person would work with Larry to get up to speed. In preparation for the pass off to Public Works. The basis for this is to allow for things to get in order prior to the pass off. This is important to CD. Lee also shared her expectation for an interim hire to help with this transition. Commissioner Jackson wants to see the opportunity for a pilot in the qualifications Erik would like the opportunity to first hire the Public Works director and then address the future of the airport. Commissioner Fund views the transition as an opportunity for fresh eyes and the chance for the new Public Works director to hire their own team. Erik asked what do you want the airports to be? What is the vision? • The Airport has a potential for development such as Benaroya. • Could development utilize the facility to move cargo and staff. • Would like to see the airport cleaned up. • Erik would like to attend the Board meetings. Commissioner Stamper was disappointed one candidate did not receive an interview. He understands the applicant failed to complete the application; however, he has hired people who did not complete applications. He was also disappointed that the individual was not notified that the application was incomplete. Both Erik and Lee responded that they considered this a future performance issue in terms of attention to detail. Commissioner Stamper and Jackson both asked how long it would take to transition and hire. Erik said it would be as timely as he could make it. Commissioner Stamper added he thinks it needs to be pilot. The Airport Systems Manager needs to needs to look over log books and flight patterns. Erik recapped the transition timeline goals. Goal is to give CD a chance to close out the airport. Allow PW Director the opportunity to be established. Gary asked about Adna school district portables. Wind turbines progress on DEIS review. Adjourned 11:08pm