2018-08-13 BOCC Wrap UpBOCC Wrap-Up Meeting
August 13, 2018
9 a.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, and Erik Martin
Guests: CJ Neer, Alex Brown
Recorder: Candy Hallom
1. 2019 preliminary budgets
The BOCC would like to add NACO dues back into budget for potential membership.
The BOCC agreed with the preliminary budget and asked Candy to include the membership dues and let
Becky know it is approved.
2. East Lewis County Public Development Authority (PDA)
The East Lewis County PDA said that there is an interested buyer in the building. Erik Martin
recommended a boundary line adjustment to protect the borders of the airport. Commissioner Stamper
would like Erik to communicate with Lee Grose.
3. Mobile home permit, Packwood
Commissioner Stamper shared a comment made by Lee Grose, who heard from a member of the public
that Community Development was anti-development. Lee Napier asked for more information from Lee
Grose who couldn’t provide specific details. Nothing further on this matter without additional
4. Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization (GRBHO)
Commissioner Fund discussed the GRBHO. The Eugenia Center will be getting a grant from the GRBHO
for a community center. The center will open up for mental health as well as drug and alcohol. The
GRBHO is also looking at a center in Centralia.
5. Lemmie Rockford
Commissioner Stamper talked to Lemmie on Friday. Department of Ecology (DOE) has assessed the
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study prepared by Lemmie’s consultant. In their professional opinion, the
study is lacking. Commissioner Stamper spoke with Lee Napier and she is getting information from DOE
and will be sending a letter to Lemmie.
6. Budget
The Commissioners discussed putting Laura Berg on contract for the work regarding Tacoma Power.
Commissioner Stamper would like to wait until it is verified by Ross that this is the direction we are
going, before making the change in the budget. Dennis Hadaller would like to meet with the Board to
discuss Tacoma Power.
Erik Martin discussed his interest in helping structure the travel and training budget for 2019 for the
7. Communication/correspondence
Commissioner Fund discussed a letter received from April Toups, Lewis County Water District #5.
Commissioner Fund discussed the PILT lawsuit. David Fine would like to look into this further.
Commissioner Jackson is concerned that it will cost more than the benefit. Commissioner Stamper
stated we might not get the funding back but it will help show that we will fight for our county and our
8. Announcements (no deliberation)
The SWWF Little Miss Friendly’s joined the meeting at 9:42 am.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.