2018-08-14 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\08 - Aug. 6-31\Week of Aug. 13\2018-08-14 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update August 14, 2018 at 9:00am Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Graham Gowing, Fred Evander, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund (out 9:29, in 9:32), Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Airport a. Facilities i. Leased Hangars-South County Lee informed the BOCC about Toledo Rocky Hangar Lessee Don Miller’s request to extend his hangar lease in order for him to remove all of his belongings. She informed the BOCC Mr. Miller has been responsive and cooperative and granted him an extension. The County plans to move forward with the termination of the lease agreements for the open-t hangars due to the condition of the structure. ii. Packwood Hangar and ground Language is being drafted for lease agreements with two potential tenants. b. Airport Manager A final decision has not been made, yet. c. Construction update The construction has been delayed until 2019. The County is currently waiting on wetland permits. 2. Permit Center- a. Monthly report Graham presented the monthly report. Revenue continues to increase. A report showing customers/phone calls per month was also presented. The hope is with the ‘new’ application intake process the number of phone calls will be reduced, freeing up more time for application/permit processing for staff. More permits are being issued ‘over-the-counter’, which customers are appreciating. b. Impact WA-Process Improvement Report Out Graham indicated the permit techs are taking it upon themselves to offer ideas for process improvement. Employees are engaged and -Erik M. will speak to the Cowlitz Floodplain Committee. -Lee will contact citizen about permit costs. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\08 - Aug. 6-31\Week of Aug. 13\2018-08-14 CD Minutes.docx doing a great job. Lee told the BOCC the process improvement team of citizens will convene in the future. 3. Planning Division a. Code Revisions Title 17-Ord 1292 Fred said the zoning tables are being updated and better organized. 4. Building Division a. Update regarding LCC 15.15- Ordinance 1293 Fred spoke about updating code for setbacks in regards to alleys and public right of ways. The intent is to allow flexibility. Commissioner Stamper asked about a conversation that was had a few years ago to change Packwood to a UGA. Lee and Erik noted that the floodplain in Packwood is an issue/hurdle to this process. Erik will have a discussion with the Cowlitz Floodplain Zone Committee. 5. Code Concerns Lee had clarifying questions about the BOCC wrap up meeting minutes. 6. Public Comments Lee spoke about a citizen who has concerns about mapped floodway and shorelines on the owner’s property. Commissioner Fund asked about permit costs in a scenario like this. Lee will follow up with the citizen about costs. 7. Follow up from prior meetings Actions to be requested: Input with possible action on items 1