2018-08-14 Update with Central ServicesUpdate with Central Services
August 14, 2018
2:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, and Steve Walton
Recorder: Candace Hallom
Steve discussed the relocation plan. He said Archie Smith has some concerns.
CFP Update- Steve stated they have met with KMB Consultants to discuss a capital facility plan. KMB will
present a scope of work and will include a cost.
Annexation- Status: Martin Roy is working on the legal description.
Fair- The Reptile guy requested turf. Steve had to buy turf this morning for the Reptile show.
The Board discussed Opening Day. The BOCC really liked the tent being set up. They felt that it helped
with the heat. The Commissioners would like to have a sign up for who is in the crowd for the opening
Personnel- Amy Albright is the new hire. She is doing great. Facilities interviewed for the Office
Assistant position. They selected Nichole Miller.
Facilities is close to being fully staffed.
Finance System- Not going live with Payroll until January 2019.
Budget worksheets are submitted.
Grants- Historic Courthouse Grant has been submitted. The requested funding is for new proxi-card
readers for the entrances of the buildings.
Facilities has requested a grant for a new parks mower through SWCCA
Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.