2018-08-28 Update Central ServicesCentral Services BOCC Update Agenda August 28, 2018 Attendees: Commissioners Fund, Jackson and Stamper, Erik Martin, Steve Walton, Doug Carey Start Time: 10:30 AM End Time: 11:30 AM Facilities - Met with Erik to discuss KMB Consultants and ongoing facilities projects. Board was briefed on the status of the selection of KMB Architects to conduct the Capital Facilities Plan for the county. Once approved by the Capital Facilities Planning Committee, the formal recommendation to proceed with KMB will be brought before the BOCC for approval. Discussion of this topic today was for informational purposes only. - CFP Update – Next meeting September 6. The selection of KMB Architects will be discussed at the next meeting and the recommendation of the committee will be brought before the Board at the September 11 Central Services update. - Will be coordinating a meeting with L&J tenants to discuss building security. Anticipate meeting to occur in early September. Discussed plan to meet with L&J building leaders regarding security. Received cost for armed guard from current security firm ($38/hr). More information will be provided after the meeting. - Senior Center maintenance transfer from CE The final agreed upon rental amount for senior center buildings created an approximate $65K shortfall in the Facilities budget. As the budget season progresses this fall, the deficit will be addressed. Fair - Fair/DLC/Garlic Fest Update – Recap of events The SWW Fair and the WA State Garlic Fest both experienced increased attendance and revenue from ticket sales and vendors. Data is still being collected and final numbers will be provided once tallied. Personnel - Staff is winding down from an intense month of activity. - Maintenance Tech – project employee apps continue to come in (6 or7) Planning the facilities and Fair staff picnic for 9/21. More details to follow. Finance System - Training ongoing Budget - Grants - Historic Courthouse grant clarification provided re: caulking - SWACCA grant for new parks mower – approved for up to $15,767 (50% of est. cost of tractor mower). Awaiting arrival of draft grant agreement. Good of the Order - Reviewed Courthouse project priorities: 1. BOCC Hearing Room; 2. Old WSU room; 3. HR/Risk/PDR office; 4. BOCC/County Manager & Staff office. Will provide Erik a proposed timeline for these projects. - Gary requested a master key. - Edna suggested getting a coffee vendor for next year’s Garlic Fest. - Board requested the Hearing Room be unlocked in the mornings when the building is opened. - Doug will talk to Glenda re: blocking of parking spaces at the Packwood Senior Center. - Facilities will place signage and tape off the area at east end of the runway at the Packwood Airport in advance of this weekend’s flea market to prevent parking in that area.