2018-08-28 Update with IT Meeting Date: August 28, 2018 At 9:00-9:55am Location: Lewis County Commissioner Meeting Room IT Director’s Monthly Update – Wohld, Martin, Commissioners Fund, Stamper, and Jackson. • General Discuss cyber security. o Had two dangerous clicks last week, and one so far this week. The employees notified IT immediately, which allowed us to block the attack. o Steve suggested looking into an Appliance for spam security. Barracuda is one example for a spam Appliance. It has been successful in blocking spam at other agencies who use it. o Gabe is busy implementing Critical Controls for Cyber Security, but barely able to keep up with response. Steve requested an FTE to help with Cyber Security, rather than having to pull from the Help Desk. We need an incident response person. We’re more reactive than proactive with current resources. o Steve has asked about expediting insurance coverage from Wayne in Risk, or if we could branch out to other agencies to help further protect us. o Steve requested we make the Awareness video and quiz mandatory. Must be taken by October 1st. BOCC agreed and it will be discussed at the next ESC. Discuss network solutions. o Rack replacements are 90% complete. This will increase physical security. Discuss staffing. o A lot of overtime has been necessary to get equipment deployed, and keep up with Cyber Security responses. o IT Operations Budget has been able to absorb the overtime needed to meet deadlines. o Janelle is sharing her time between IT and Public Works. She will train Public Work’s new employee though September 14th. • Technology Services General discussion o 100TB Data Controller is reaching its end of life. Looking into what a replacement of the Data Controller would cost, and what staff time is needed. o Of the 125 computers ordered, 115 have been deployed. The remaining 10 will be deployed as needed. o Clerk’s Office, District Court and Superior Court are ordering 30+ new systems due to system requirement changes. They all have a reimbursement contract that will reimburse them for a large portion of these expenses. The remaining amount will be paid out of IT ER&R. o A budget amendment of $145,000 has been submitted. Originally, the large computer order was going to happen in 2017, but was held off until 2018. $117,000 was carried over from 2017. o Erik asked for an update on Packet Writer. Steve stated it is being looked at. o Steve asked about reducing email accounts, and only allowing certain people to have access to outside email. Will discuss more at ESC. • Spillman Services General discussion o Quarterly maintenance is necessary for the Spillman Server. This usually requires 2-3 hours of the system being offline. This has caused concern for E-911 Services. o Steve stated E-911 could purchase their own hardware to help prevent them from being impacted during every maintenance window, but stated it is very costly. o The hardware to support E-911 would cost roughly $45,000 and up to $90,000+. This type of hardware would need to be replaced about every 5 years. There are also additional costs ongoing. o Erik suggested him and Steve have a meeting with Steve Mansfield to discuss the impact of E-911 being isolated vs down time, and will come up with a solution. • Development Services General discussion o County website is being migrated. Checking for broken links and making it easier for the end user to search the site. o We are currently in the process of moving to a solution with better security. This is a 6 month project that Camren is working on.