2018-08-28 Weed AssessmentWeed Assessment 08/28/2018 Start time-2:00 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Erik Martin, Bill Wamsley, Ross Petersen, Eric Eisenberg, Shelly Stewart, Arny Davis, Dianne Dorey (2:06 p.m.) Guests: Amanda Price Recorders: Rachel Hunt and Rieva Lester Bill Wamsley discussed when a potential hearing would be. The group discussed moving the hearing date up. Commissioner Fund asked if there is draft of the ordinance. The group discussed the timeline. All three commissioners expressed a desire to move forward. The group that discussed senior exemptions. Bill Wamsley gave an overview of the various land classifications and the rate each one would be charged. Commissioner Stamper asked if the rate would be adequate for the weed board. The group discussed the amount coming back in programming costs which would be going back to the offices. Rachel Hunt left and Rieva Lester joined as recorder at 2:20 p.m. Eric Eisenberg said administrative costs could be included. Becky said the BOCC has indicated it would help cover the initial costs. Arny Davis said the program should be self-sufficient and charge adequately. Dianne Dorey asked that the supplementation be memorialized in the resolution. Ross Petersen said the per-acreage component would require more work and could be added later on as an additional income source. Ross Petersen left at 2:30 p.m. Erik Martin suggested setting the ordinance to be effective for one year. He discussed having the weed board be in charge of renewing it annually. Ross returned at 2:34 p.m. The group discussed setting the ordinance so the fees could be altered annually if needed. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Bill Wamsley: Revisit the Q&A. The group said the plan is to move forward with a flat fee for a year or two and then perform a cost-benefit analysis. Dianne Dorey and Arny Davis: Work on a scope of work. Ross Petersen: Work on the ordinance draft, the notice of hearing and the actual hearing. Commissioner Jackson left at 2:37 p.m. Ross said the hearing date would be Oct. 8. Commissioner Jackson returned at 2:40 p.m. Becky said she would meet with Bill Wamsley to map out the budget for the next three years. Arny Davis said the one-time start-up costs could range from $20,000 to $40,000. Bill said he would revisit the Q&A. The group said the plan is to move forward with a flat fee for a year or two and then perform a cost-benefit analysis. Dianne said she and Arny will work on a scope of work. Ross will work on the ordinance draft, the notice of hearing and the actual hearing. Meeting ended at 2:49 p.m.