2018-09-10 Update with PHSS Minutes Director Update-PHSS Notes September 10, 2018 Start Time: 4:30 pm End Time: 5:36 pm Present: Erik Martin Bill Teitzel Danette York Lara McRae Recorder: Sandi Andrus Becky Butler STANDING AGENDA ITEMS • Budget Discussion: Next budget meeting is on September 27, at 10:30. Two positions PHSS is requesting are Environmental Health Specialist I and Animal Control. • Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Advisory Board Discussion: PHSS Advisory Board met last week. Their recommendation to the BOCC and a handout will be discussed under New Discussion Items. With DD Millage funds, we do an RFP then look at the proposals. A committee meets and determines which agencies to fund. Their recommendation from the board will go to Erik to be approved and then a resolution sent to the BOCC for approval. • Behavioral and Physical Health Integration Discussion: Danette reported that she gave the Commissioners a handout about the Operating Agreement of Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization (GRBHO) today at the Board of Health. Danette also gave Erik a copy and informed him about GRBHO. The BHO was established by legislature as a temporary measure until 2020 when full integration takes place. Integrating mental health and substance abuse is the first step. Within the plan was that the BHO would go away. Our BHO is trying to be relevant past 2020 and stay in place. They proposed an operating agreement between five counties to organize an LLC. They have included their attorney and one civil prosecuting attorney from each county to look into it. County Directors are also looking at this and see a problem. GRBHO wants to start a community county of health which we already have but the BHO does not control it so they want to make their own. As of 2020, Managed Care Organization (MCO) will be the approved agency and the BHOs will be terminated. Our BHO plans to become an LLC to be a provider of services and wants our commissioners to be the governing board. • Community Action Council Discussion: No report was given as JP Anderson is not at work today. • Code Enforcement Cases (handout) Discussion: The following items were discussed: 1. Hadaller, Jacob/Katherine Carroll – Birley Rd., Mossyrock – Dog case. Waiting for PAO abatement order to go through. We can show plenty of evidence. Notified today that Mr. Hadaller filed a $100,000 torte claim against the County for the $95,000 the County seized. He has already been cited a civil infraction for kennel permit violation, so the next unapproved kennel violation of will be a criminal charge. 2. GE Toledo Farms, Jackson Hwy, Toledo – This is mainly a Community Development case. The Tribe purchased property may have exceeded the agriculture exemption standards. The tribe met with the County informally and are upset with us as they feel we let it go on too long. Their concerns are mainly based on a cultural/historical aspect. The consultant hired by GE Toledo submitted an erosion control plan to Ecology. Bill feels it may be lacking. They also turned in SEPA that is incomplete. Bill wants to proceed with the stop work order. Bill sent them a letter last Friday to explain what to do at this point. The owner has one million dollars’ worth of blueberries to plant in September on the ~1,000 acres. 3. Gilliland, Sandra – 109 Rose Marie Dr., Chehalis – Dangerous Dog is housed at the Lewis County Animal Shelter now but she failed to register in time. There is a serious solid waste violation. Sandra is the owner of the property but allows family to live there who are throwing their garbage out the back door. There was a hearing last month on the two civil infractions and it is going before the judge again on September 19. 4. Cowlitz Timber Trails (CTTA) – Spencer Road, Salkum – Complaints that the Board is trying to allow full time occupation of RVs there. This may be a septic system violation. 5. Harding, Mary (Mason, Paul) 1700 Ferrier Road, Winlock – The owner died in 2010 and Paul moved in. It appears there are people with chemical addiction issues living there. Paul is paying taxes but does not own the property. He may be trying to assume the property by paying taxes for seven years. This used to be an unpermitted RV park that was cleaned up but they are coming back now and Paul is constructing ‘apartments’ in existing outbuildings. He recently moved in a double-wide mobile home. Bill received a call from a complainant, James Ciberoski, who stated he is going to an attorney. Bill has cited Paul several times and will go out and see what is going on. 6. A&L Slaughtering, 742 Koontz Rd., Chehalis – Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) went out last week and received photos from the neighbors. It appears people on the property were lying to them. WSDA says they do not think they can do anything about this. They had many hogs and it appeared they slaughtered them. 7. 1400 block of Salzer Valley Rd. – There was considerable sewage leak (potentially thousands of gallons) from a pressurized line leading to Cherry Blossom Estates running down the road and field. It has been repaired. 8. Davis, William - assumed address of 3677 Centralia Alpha Rd, Onalaska – The County has received a complaint about an abandoned mobile home close to going into river. 9. 143 McAttee Rd, Centralia – Sent Notice of Violation and may take law enforcement action. 10. Unpermitted event venues: A. Urich-Sayad, Jodi – 133 Griffis Rd., Onalaska – Cited two times for $2,000 total for having public events without required approvals. Hope to start a Voluntary Correction Order (VCO). B. Stajduhar, Gabe – 318 Kruger Rd., Onalaska – Under Notice of Violation (NOV) to not open to public events until permitted. C. Freimark, Douglas – 573 Haywire Rd., Winlock – They came in for pre- submission conference last week. Will send NOV. D. Askin, Luke – 757 Spencer Rd., Toledo – Making good progress. Should be ready in about 30 days. E. Burkett, John – 406 Hemenway Rd., Winlock – Built huge barn and will go through the permitting process. Holding weddings already. 11. Other concerns We have liens on properties from 2012 which we should foreclose on. Eric Eisenberg has more information. Possibility of foreclosing on liened properties and selling them to put back into the abatement fund. RV/Mobile Home Parks We have many RV Parks in the county that run more like a Mobile Home Park with residents living in RVs full time. Often, neighboring property owners complain that they should not allow people to live in RVs. Due to the lack of available housing, we try not to be that regulatory unless it is a public health risk. If we start to crack down on these types of violations we need to be consistent as there are many RV parks doing the same thing. Bill feels RV occupancy is a huge problem in the County but addressing it will take a lot of collaboration among agencies and possibly require much more manpower than we currently have. Decision: Work with Lee Napier on a plan and bring back to Erik. Treat this as a policy issue. NEW DISCUSSION ITEMS • DD RFP Recommendations – Discussion: Danette provided a handout to Erik of a recommendation from the advisory board and a memo the committee submitted to the advisory board. The Commissioners will need to approve a resolution to approve negotiating contracts for these funds. Rejected requests were also listed on the memo. $80,000 funding was requested but only $40,000 is available. Decision: Erik will put this on his update agenda with the BOCC. PHSS will go through the resolution process when we hear back from Erik. Danette will meet with Erik on Monday, September 17, at 11:00. We can have the resolution prepared for the September 24, Business Meeting. GOOD OF THE ORDER • Items to take to the BOCC Discussion: Erik has asked the directors to let him know the most important things for him to take to the BOCC. Bill can send Erik his report electronically. • ALERTS Discussion: Previously, an ALERT was sent to the Board when important things came up. Danette will find one and send to Erik. Erik stated it is fine to send the BOCC an email if the Directors need to get something to them.