2018-09-24 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager September 24, 2018 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Commissioner Stamper (11:19 a.m.) Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Code Enforcement Update Erik Martin discussed a case of salmonella that may have been linked to the Peking House in Centralia. Erik said an individual relocated a portion of East Creek in the Mineral area. He said various entities are working on the case. He said the individual worked on land not owned by him. Skookumchuck Wind Energy Erik said RES has resubmitted its draft EIS with revisions. He said he met with RES on Sept. 19 and that Sean Bell requested it be reviewed and have the draft published Sept. 21. Erik said RES was told the response would be ready Oct. 3. Erik said he has asked that Karen Witherspoon work on the project basically exclusively to complete the review. Erik noted that the document was submitted in July and that it would have helped to have had it turned in earlier. Commissioner Stamper joined at 11:19 a.m. 911 Erik said he would meet with City of Chehalis Manager Jill Anderson and others regarding 911 on Sept. 26. Erik said Steve Mansfield is working on an application for Coal Transition grant funding. He said work is being done to hire a permanent 911 manager. Commissioner Jackson said he would meet with Adam Wasserman regarding 911. EDC Erik discussed the upcoming Legislative Roundtable meeting. The commissioners said they would like it to be recorded. Menu items: Cheese, crackers, fruit and pastries. No vegetables. Commissioner Fund she would get the cheese and cracker plates. Lara McRea discussed purchasing items such as carafes, tablecloths, coffee cups, a coffee pot, etc., for use during that and other special meetings. She estimated the total at $220. Commissioner Fund said she would rather pay for it herself. She offered to purchase coffee cups and server ware. Commissioner Stamper said he would buy the tablecloths. Erik said he may miss the Legislative Roundtable as there is a state Public Works Board meeting that day. He asked whether the commissioners want him to remain on that board. The commissioners said they’d rather have him attend Mayors’ Meetings. The commissioners discussed holding Mayors’ Meetings every other month instead of monthly. Calendars The group discussed calendars. Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.