2018-09-27 Prelim Budget mtg -- Fair and Facilities2019 Preliminary Budget Meeting – Fair and Facilities September 27, 2018 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund; Commissioner Jackson; Commissioner Stamper; County Manager Erik Martin; Budget Services Manager Becky Butler; Central Services Director Steve Walton; Fairgrounds and Events Coordinator Tamara Hayes; Digital Marketing Specialist Isaac Freeman; Facilities Manager Doug Carey; Administrative Assistant Kelly Sneed; Maintenance Supervisor Matt Patana; and Citizens Budget Committee members Judy Pectol, Bill Marshall and Robert Berg Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Unfunded mandates discussed: Southwest Washington Fair, parks – class A public water systems Fair Revenue: $1,401,625 Expenditures: $1,355,796 Change in fund balance: $45,829 Full-time equivalent employees: 6.35 Tamara Hayes said she may come to the commissioners later in the year to review a minimum requirement for fair checks. She said fair revenue was up 7 percent and gate receipts were up 4 percent. Tamara said Garlic Fest revenue was up 21 percent and gate receipts were up 30 percent. Tamara discussed partnerships the fair created to increase marketing. Tamara discussed other events that take place throughout the year, such as cat and dog shows, Country Chicks, Relay for Life, Spring Youth Fair, etc. She also discussed volunteer efforts that have spruced up the fairgrounds. Tamara discussed housing the cold weather shelter at the fairgrounds. She said it proved successful. Becky said $230,000 was transferred the previous year. Tamara said the county has asked Centralia to annex the fairgrounds from the UGA into city limits, a move that could save the county on utilities. She said it would beneficial to the city because the area no longer would be a UGA island. Tamara said the fairgrounds has struggled with pipeline leaks. TO-DO / QUESTIONS Doug will return to discuss CFP Isaac Freeman discussed his work with Discover Lewis County. He discussed grants DLC won, including a one for marketing at the SeaTac airport, one for a theater video and another for a trail guide. He also discussed the Farm Guide. Isaac discussed the Discover Lewis County canvases. Isaac discussed future projects, such as video projects, other pamphlets, etc. The group discussed the impact Discover Lewis County appears to have had on tourism in the area. Commissioner Jackson left at 4:17 p.m. Facilities Revenue: $3,106,453 Expenditures: $3,104,069 Change in fund balance: ($33,616) Full-time equivalent employees: 20.65 Doug Carey said the Facilities costs are sent out to user groups as rates. He said the jail uses Facilities’ services the most. He said eight to nine employees are in charge of maintenance of the county’s roughly 200 buildings. He said Facilities also has five custodians. Doug said the courthouse, jail and Law and Justice are roughly $11 per square foot while small outlying buildings are $2 per square foot. Doug said the county has four parks and two historic sites for which it provides care. Matt Patana discussed the challenges the county faces regarding upkeep, etc., especially regarding bridges, roofs and buildings accessed by the homeless population. Meeting ended at 4:33 p.m.