2018-09-27 Prelim Budget mtg -- WSU Extension2019 Preliminary Budget Meeting – WSU Extension September 27, 2018 9:32 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund; Commissioner Jackson (9:36 a.m.); Commissioner Stamper; County Manager Erik Martin; Budget Services Manager Becky Butler; Central Services Director Steve Walton; WSU Extension Director Gary Fredricks; WSU’s Director of County Extension Office Administration Jim Kropf; and Citizens Budget Committee members Judy Pectol, Bill Marshall and Robert Berg Guests: Linda Williams, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Unfunded mandates discussed: The group noted that the RCWs indicate the county MAY have an extension office but doesn’t require that a county have one Revenue: $24,255 Expenditures: $223,996 Full-time equivalent employees: 1.60 WSU Director Gary Fredricks, who provides services for both Lewis County and Cowlitz County, reviewed WSU Extension’s expenses, revenues and volunteer efforts. Gary discussed the MOU between Lewis County and WSU Extension. He suggested removing the $3,129 payment for the area Extension faculty and reducing the $17,096 county director payment to $12,724 for 2019 services. Commissioner Jackson noted that half of $17,096 would be $8,548, not $12,724. Jim Kropf and Gary said the $12,724 reflects half of the suggested contribution for the WSU Extension Director services, not half the amount Lewis County had been paying. Gary noted that he works in Lewis County on Mondays and Wednesdays and that the office is closed on Fridays. Erik Martin noted that Lewis County would be paying Gary to work half-time when he’s actually working two-fifths of each week. The commissioners asked that the 2018 MOU be amended and adjusted to reflect Sheila Gray’s departure and Gary Fredricks’ part-time work. Commissioner Jackson said he would work with Gary to revise the MOU. Jim discussed WSU’s work on biofuels. Meeting ended at 10:02 a.m. TO-DO / QUESTIONS Commissioner Jackson, Gary Fredricks and Jim Kropf: Review and amend as needed the county’s 2018 MOU regarding WSU Extension