2018-10-03 Prelim Budget mtg -- Comm Dev and Airport2019 Preliminary Budget Meeting – Community Development and Airport October 3, 2018 9:42 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund; Commissioner Jackson; Commissioner Stamper; Budget Services Manager Becky Butler; Community Development Director Lee Napier; Community Development Director Graham Gowing; and Citizens Budget Committee members Judy Pectol, Peggy Hammer, Bill Marshall, Tory Graf and Robert Berg Recorder: Rieva Lester Unfunded mandates discussed: Long-range planning, zoning, critical areas, paying for audits Revenue: $1,991,250 Expenditures: $1,967,260 Change in fund balance: $23,990 Full-time equivalent employees: 16 Lee Napier gave an overview of Community Development’s work, including permitting, etc. Lee discussed ongoing process-improvement process, including new forms, improved web presence, permit tracking, etc. Lee said she is requesting an additional planner instead of filling a permit tech position that will be vacated by a retirement later in the year. Lee discussed the collaborative efforts her staff members have launched with developers, contractors, septic designers, etc., to improve the permit process. Lee noted that Community Development recently increased some of its fees to offset increased costs to prevent taxpayers from having to subsidize development because if fees had not been increased, Community Development would have had to ask for more funding out of the general fund. Lee discussed outreach, such as attending Realtors’ events, Master Builder events, templates and sample packets. Lee discussed her department’s role in code enforcement. Bill Marshall discussed the Planning Commission’s efforts to simplify county code. Tory Graf left at 10:08 a.m. TO-DO / QUESTIONS Number of new homes? How many departments have code enforcement? Lee and Becky will work on budget request Lee discussed problems with dashed addresses, which hamper first responders’ efforts to find homes during emergencies. Commissioner Jackson discussed the safety concerns regarding dashed addresses, which won’t be recognized in the new NextGen 911 system. Lee said she is asking for funding to hire a part-time project employee to work on correcting the dashed address problem, work on drafting an ordinance to halt the use of dashed addresses moving forward and to spearhead outreach efforts. Lee said the project would use 79 hours a month for six months at a 20 M. Commissioner Jackson left at 10:19 a.m. Lee said she’d also like to use the project employee to work on a portal for environmental health septic records. Ed Carlson Memorial – South Lewis County Airport Revenue: $3,166,627 Expenditures: $3,167,627 Change in fund balance: ($742) Full-time equivalent employees: 0.75 Lee discussed work to make the Toledo Airport FAA compliant. She also discussed upcoming improvements at the Packwood airport. Meeting ended at 10:30 a.m.