2018-10-08 BOCC Wrap-UpBOCC Wrap-Up October 8, 2018 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin Guest: East County Journal reporter Susan DeLaire, Chronicle reporter Alex Brown, Isaac Freeman, Esther Freeman, Jerry Owens, Sue Barlow, Rachel Gray Recorder: Rieva Lester 4-H leader Jerry Owens introduced Esther Freeman, who designed the winning patch for state 4-H. Isaac Freeman, Esther Freeman, Jerry Owens, Sue Barlow and Rachel Gray left at 9:12 a.m. Commissioner Stamper made a motion to add a proclamation recognizing October as Lewis County Cybersecurity Awareness Month as well as a resolution to modify restrictions on outdoor burning. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 3-0. The commissioners said they’d like to set up a one-hour meeting with the Timberland Regional Library (TRL) and its trustees in November. The commissioners discussed a letter from Greg Peterson commending Lewis County’s response to burn restrictions. The commissioners said they’d like to send a response letter. The commissioners briefly discussed the previous week’s Legislative Roundtable. Becky Butler joined at 9:23 a.m. The commissioners said they would like to have an extended conversation with the Sheriff’s Office regarding Naphcare. The commissioners said they would craft a list of unfunded mandates that affect the BOCC office. Becky left at 9:26 a.m. The group reviewed their calendars. Meeting ended at 9:46 a.m. TO-DO LIST / RECAP BOCC: Schedule November meeting with TRL BOCC: Draft letter to Greg Peterson