2018-10-22 Update with BudgetBudget Update
October 22, 2018
2:36 p.m.
Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik
Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Citizen Advisory Group member Bill Marshall
Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Susan DeLaire (3:58 p.m.)
Recorder: Rieva Lester
The group discussed Superior Court’s request to increase the
court commissioner’s salary.
Becky Butler said she would pull the contract and review it
with HR.
The group discussed the Assessor’s Office’s request for
additional funding for a vehicle to accommodate the additional
FTE added in 2018. The funding would pay for a vehicle for the
new position approved in 2018. The commissioners discussed
whether the vehicle use could rotate.
The group discussed the Jail’s request for additional funding to
cover additional Naphcare charges, including one nurse as well
as kitchen costs and prisoner care supply costs.
The group discussed IT’s request for additional funding for an
additional cybersecurity employee.
Commissioner Fund asked if the county needs to look at implementing a hiring freeze.
The group discussed treating any and / or all as a waitlist that can be reviewed as revenues come in.
The group looked at what the budget impact would be to approve the Assessor’s vehicle request,
Superior Court’s request for the court commissioner salary, one additional sheriff’s deputy, Naphcare
(and kitchen and supply) costs for the jail, a probation officer for Juvenile, one code enforcement officer
and one environmental health officer and determined it would total roughly $578,000, reflecting a
preliminary use of reserves of roughly $3.65 million.
The group discussed the county generally projects a larger use of reserves than what actually ends up
taking place.
Erik Martin said the BOCC may need to share its budget concerns with electeds and directors.
Becky Butler: Pull the contract
and review it with HR.
Rieva: Reach out to Assessor’s
Office about car request.
BOCC: Ask PA’s office and HR
whether the BOCC can
implement a hiring freeze.
Erik: Draft memo about a hiring
The group discussed the county’s transfer to the fair. Becky noted that Discover Lewis County likely will
not receive the total amount of grant funding it anticipated.
The group discussed what would be done regarding PILT.
Commissioner Fund said she is against approving any requests.
The group discussed a hiring freeze for general fund positions under the board.
Erik said he would draft a memo regarding a potential hiring freeze.
The commissioners said they would approve by budget amendments after the fact the coroner’s request
for medical funding and the prosecutor’s request for additional funding for interpreters.
The group discussed the Lewis County Seniors’ request for funding.
Susan DeLaire joined at 3:58 p.m.
Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner Stamper proposed approving the following increases:
Sheriff’s Office: $122,000
Juvenile: $104,000
Health: $163,000
Commissioner Fund did not support the proposals.
Meeting ended at 4:02 p.m.