2018-10-24 Directors UpdateDirectors’ Update October 24, 2018 9:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, County Manager Erik Martin, Lee Napier, Josh Metcalf, Danette York, Wayne Whiton, Steve Wohld, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Steve Mansfield, Lara McRea Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler discussed a notice of Public Meeting on the 2019 Preliminary Lewis County Budget. Commissioner Fund discussed a grant agreement between Lewis County and the Port of Chehalis to accept funding totaling $400,000 from Distressed Counties Fund for the McBride Court phase 2 project. The group discussed an annual contract with mortuaries for decedent removals. Josh Metcalf discussed a resolution authorizing the Public Works Director to sign an agreement between the State of Washington, Office of the Secretary of State Archives and Records Management Division (OSOS) and Lewis County Public Works for management of a grant award in the amount of $30,000. Erik Martin discussed a resolution appointing Josh Metcalf as the Public Works Director and County Engineer. Becky Butler discussed a resolution to approve a state-mandated salary adjustment for the Prosecutor. Commissioner Jackson made a motion to move one notice item, two consent items and five deliberation items to the Monday, Oct. 29, BOCC agenda. Commissioner Fund seconded the motion. Motion passed 2-0. Roundtable Danette York said Public Health and Social Services is working on its strategic plan. She said the last one ended in 2017. Danette said PHSS also is working on integration with the BHO. She said Lewis County is one of five counties working on a leadership group to prepare for the 2020 transition. Danette said most of the seized German shepherds have been rehomed. Danette said there is another active TB case in Lewis County. Wayne Whiton said Risk is focusing on training. He said an earthquake drill is planned for Oct. 30. He said he is working on an all-call feature and is working on creating building contacts. Steve Wohld discussed canvases, videos, email outreach, etc., being used to increase cybersecurity awareness. He said email testing cut-off date is Oct. 26. He said IT is doing risk assessments, and he discussed other measures IT is taking to improve cybersecurity. He said development resources have been affected by cybersecurity needs. Becky Butler discussed outreach regarding the budget, including the citizens panel and infographics. Becky said the board is finalizing its decisions regarding 2019 budget requests. Becky said internal rates are due Oct. 30. She noted that new construction has nearly doubled over the previous year. Becky urged directors to plan ahead for any possible retirements or personnel changes. Erik Martin urged the group to focus on efficiencies. He discussed his recent testimony at the state Legislature. Commissioner Jackson left at 9:48 a.m. Steve Walton said Central Services has added two project employees. Commissioner Jackson returned at 9:50 a.m. Steve Walton said the fair launched an online registration program. He said the county is replacing any failing lights with LEDs and is seeking grants and sponsorships for its projects. Steve said an open house for the cold water shelter is planned for Oct. 30. Steve Mansfield said he is planning for 911 and Emergency Management. He said would like to achieve 911 accreditation. He said he is working to update the strategic plan in the interlocal agreement and is working on an infrastructure study. Steve said the flood meeting is planned for 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 1 at the Veterans Museum. Lee Napier said Community Development is continuing on its process improvement journey. She discussed processes that are being streamlined. She said the comp plan has been updated and work continues on correcting dashed addresses. Josh Metcalf said he is meeting with Public Works managers to review budgets, identify efficiencies and do succession planning. Meeting ended at 10:09 a.m.