2018-11-06 Update with BudgetBudget Update November 6, 2018 3:27 p.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler, Steve Wohld, Janelle Kambich, Jonathan Meyer Recorder: Rieva Lester Becky Butler and Jonathan Meyer expressed concerns regarding relying solely on free toxicology tests, which take much longer than paid tests. Jonathan said he and the sheriff will stress in writing the need for funding for those blood tests. Jonathan discussed toxicology tests for cases in which the cause of death is believed to have been an overdose or drug related. Jonathan and Janelle Kambich left at 3:32 p.m. Steve Wohld gave an overview on the reasons for which the FTR in the hearing room needs to be replaced. He noted that buying in bulk would present cost savings. Steve said the commissioners could use their ER and R funds for it. He said it would cost $3,300 plus roughly $600 annually. The commissioners agreed to purchase the FTR using ER and R funds. Steve left at 3:38 p.m. Becky said she is awaiting the board’s decision on the 1 percent increase for non-union employees, which she said already is in the budget. Becky said the Assessor has added the additional vehicle and will cut elsewhere to fund it. Becky said the jail has indicated that 30 percent of its RN position can be paid for out of the mental health tax. Becky said the coroner has asked for additional compensation for his casual employees. The commissioners said the topic can be revisited in January. Becky discussed traffic policing. She asked if the board will stay with the preliminary costs or will it go with the actuals. Eric suggested setting the operational transfer amount and then stay with it. The commissioners said they would stick with the prelim number. Becky said Ops and 911 did not participate in the wellness survey. She said Ops didn’t receive the information until right before the deadline. The commissioners said to keep the rates status quo. Becky gave the following updates: • A special revenue fund for the weed assessment will be created via resolution. • The 911 manager has come back at a market position. • Sales tax collection is at 13 percent over the previous year’s totals. • The Auditor, Clerk, Juvenile, Sheriff, Superior Court and Treasurer have not yet provided a list of unfunded mandates. Meeting ended at 4:01 p.m.