2018-11-26 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager November 26, 2018 11:02 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Erik Martin, Lara McRea, Commissioner Fund (11:03 a.m.) Guests: Alex Brown, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Lara McRea and Erik Martin said they would like to discuss staff assignments with the commissioners. Erik gave the following updates: • Facilities has drafted policies regarding the use of courthouse meeting rooms. • A Community Development meeting planned for later in the week will be to discuss ordinance / resolution / hearing process for Planning Commission. • Central Services projects include: PA Office remodel, BOCC office remodel, Jail booking, Auditor’s Office, Star Tavern remodel. He said Central Services is discussing its next step regarding the unfinished floor project in the Health building bathrooms. • Public Works is working on the Packwood River access project, which is slated for 2020. • Josh Metcalf and Ross Petersen are working on a solution for the Jackson Villas right of way. Erik said he would touch base with Martin Roy about the fair annexation. Erik also said the city of Centralia is gating its entrance to Goodrich Road nightly. He said the county leases the parking lot from the city. Commissioner Stamper suggested using boulders – instead of a chain link fencing – to create a barrier on the opposite side of the river. Commissioner Jackson said he’d like to be brought up to speed regarding Boistfort water. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:28 a.m. Erik discussed Thurston County’s interest in exploring the possibility of Lewis County taking over the water districts Thurston County operates within Lewis County. Commissioner Jackson returned at 11:31 a.m. Erik gave the following updates: • The Borst Avenue design has been submitted. • A meeting to discuss the North Lewis County access is planned for 9:30 a.m. Dec. 4. • There are 15 open unemployment claims. • Follow-up 911 meetings are being scheduled. Meeting ended at 11:41 a.m.