2018-12-10 CD MinutesY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\12 - Dec. 3-31\Week of Dec. 10\2018-12-10 CD Minutes.docx Agenda for BOCC Update December 10, 2018 at 2:30-3:30 pm Department: Community Development Present: Lee Napier, Eric Eisenberg, Fred Evander, Graham Gowing, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner-Elect Stamper, Lindsey Pollock Note Taker: Graham Gowing Updates and Actions: 1. Public Participation Program – Review and Discuss a Proposal to Streamline the Updates to the Lewis County Code forwarded by the Lewis County Planning Commission Fred discussed the code update process and procedures. Currently, code amendments require two public hearings, each needing public notice. Due to public hearing notification requirements, this is a very lengthy process. The new process proposed would involve a public hearing at the Planning Commission’s meeting. A recommendation would be made to the BoCC by the Planning Commission. That ordinance would then be considered for adoption by the BoCC via resolution. For code amendments of greater public interest or if the BoCC does not want to adopt due to public comments or concerns, Fred indicated the BoCC can still hold its own public hearing or send the amendment back to the Planning Commission for further work on the issue. 2. Urban Growth Areas – Review and Discuss a Proposal to Modify How Urban Growth Areas associated with Cities are Regulated Fred presented a proposal to help clarify the responsibilities of each municipality/jurisdiction regarding cities’ UGAs. Fred has had a meeting with multiple jurisdictions about the CD will set a hearing date to change procedure. CD will proceed with the applicable cities. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2018\BOCC\12 - Dec. 3-31\Week of Dec. 10\2018-12-10 CD Minutes.docx proposal. The proposal would give the cities the opportunity to choose from three different options regarding permitting in the UGA. 1) Use all County standards 2) Zoning standards based on each City’s zoning code, all other County regulations apply. 3) Enter into an Inter-local agreement for the cities to manage its own UGA, though certain County regs would apply. 3) Historic Critical Areas Ordinance – Review and Discuss the Potential Repeal of Chapter 17.35 Lee spoke about the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) and the adoption of said plan. CD is looking into simplification of this code. VSP was adopted in Sept., therefore the management of critical areas on agricultural land is no longer handled through the CAO.