2018-12-10 Update with County ManagerMeeting with County Manager December 10, 2018 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Tamara Hayes, Lara McRea Guests: Commissioner-elect Gary Stamper, Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Walton said Fair’s budget expenses are $21,000 higher than budgeted. He said there have been a number of leaks. He and Tamara said the Fair is roughly $16,000 over budget. Steve said the proposed annexation won’t fix the leaks but that it will lower the utilities costs. Tamara said 2018 event revenue totaled $97,000. Tamara said the Fair spent $53,000 on entertainment, including clowns, etc., in 2018. She reviewed the Fair’s expenditures, noting that sound was $11,000, tents were $6,000, exhibitor costs totaled $13,000, supplies totaled $6,700, etc. Dr. Lindsey Pollock asked if there was a leak forgiveness break through the PUD. Tamara said she’d like to see replacement of the water lines at the Fair added to the long-term Capital Facilities Plan. Commissioner-elect Stamper asked if other entities could take control of the derelict buildings, repair them, then give them back. Becky Butler said building maintenance cannot be diverted much longer. The group discussed the possibility of privatization. Becky noted that reductions are possible in 2019 and that if the Fair is to face reductions in 2019, it would be best to let them know now so they can plan accordingly. The group discussed the pros and cons of limiting the number of days the fair is open or changing the hours of operation. Commissioner-elect Stamper left at 11:40 a.m. and returned at 11:41 a.m. Becky suggested increasing the Fair’s Dec. 17 amendment to $25,000 just to be safe. TO-DO LIST / RECAP Tamara: Investigate Facilities costs, explore reduced Fair days, explore reduced Fair hours and explore grant possibilities and explore holding a monster truck show in lieu of the derby before meeting again with the commissioners in January Lara McRea reminded the group about Community Development’s upcoming early closure. Tamara left at 11:52 a.m. Steve Walton said Capital Facilities has been meeting with KMB architects regarding plans for the future. Steve said one possibility would be to move Motor Pool elsewhere and house Community Development to the Motor Pool site. Steve said the next meeting will be in January. Meeting ended at 11:58 a.m.