2019-10-14 Meeting to discuss GRBHOMeeting to discuss Great Rivers Behavioral Health Organization (GRBHO) October 14, 2019 4:03 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson (by phone), Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, JP Anderson, Marc Bollinger Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Marc Bollinger discussed the Health Care Authority (HCA) review for becoming an Administrative Service Organization (ASO), which is a portion of the work the GRBHO has been doing. He said GRBHO failed its first HCA Readiness Review – as did all other applicants, he said. He said GRBHO submitted its necessary follow-up paper work to the HCA at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 9. Marc said all BHOs will meet with the HCA the following week. Marc said the turn-around time for contracts presented the biggest challenge for GRBHO. Marc discussed the groups that will use the ASO services, noting that contracts have not yet been signed. Marc said the October testing environment will show whether there will be any problems with providers getting their claims paid. JP Anderson asked what can be down to help providers navigate the payment. Marc said the ASO cannot provide guidance. Marc said the ASO, BH-ASO and Operating Board all will report – independently – to the governing board. He said the Community Integrated Health Services (CIHS) will report to the operating board. Marc noted that he is the CEO of the governing board and is part of the leadership team for the BHASO and the Operating Board. Marc also noted that the Governing Board, Operating Board and BHASO are limited liability corporations. Commissioner Fund noted that Sen. Braun has been interested in the process. Marc said the direct-service arm of Great Rivers BHO was created to fill gaps, such as care for the homeless population, which is high need and difficult to serve. Marc said the state is providing 70 percent of its crisis services budget. He said the group will have to fully fund the crisis hotline, crisis outreach and involuntary treatment in the future. He said the more the group pays for courts, the less money there is available for other services. Marc said only a portion of the costs for the following will be covered in the future (therefore possibly putting the services in jeopardy): jail proviso services, drug courts, mental health court, NOMI, outpatient services for the uninsured, diversion services for the uninsured, voluntary in-patient for the uninsured, anything funded by the mental health block grants, outreach, community trainings, liaison positions, anything funded by the substance abuse block grants, housing funds, transportation, medication and community event sponsorships. JP asked that the governing board reach out to the counties. Marc said some school services and an apprenticeship program also may be in jeopardy. Commissioner Stamper left at 4:54 p.m. Commissioner Fund asked if additional funding could be allotted for ITAs. Marc said the BHOs and BHASOs have identified the need to appropriately fund the ITAs. Meeting ended at 4:59 p.m.