2019-10-17 Prelim budget - 5-Coroner2020 preliminary budget meeting: Coroner October 17, 2019 3:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Warren McLeod, Dawn Harris Citizens Budget Committee members: Frank Corbin, Paul Crowner, Bill Kassen, Bill Marshall, and Bill Serrahn Other guest(s): Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Tamara Martin Becky Butler said the preliminary 2020 budget for Coroner includes revenues totaling $34,245 and expenditures totaling $506,575. Warren McLeod said that Lewis County receives 40% autopsy reimbursement from the state for every autopsy performed and external exam. We have a contract with 4 pathologists. Autopsies are required on any death that is not natural and any on the job death. There are certain cases that will require an autopsy. Deputy Coroners work on-call. They perform medical & legal death investigations. New coalition is Cribs for Kids. There have been 15 donations of cribs this year in effort to prevent accidental suffocation from when parents roll onto their children in their beds. The Lewis County Coroner’s Office is also being proactive against opioid overdoses with awareness programs. Toxicology has an 8-month turnaround time. In case of a mass casualty in Lewis County, agreements are in place with other counties for storage of decedents. Meeting ended at 4:03 p.m.