2020 V.2 Jail Increase Request above limitation2020 EXPENDITURE BUDGET LIMITATION Office/Department: Contact Name 2020 BUDGET LIMITATION: 2020 TOTAL PRELIM. BUDGET: DIFFERENCE: Request For Budget Increase Over Initial Limitation Amount Fund/Department Number: Status: New or Enhancement Establishing: (One time or Ongoing expenditure) Total Request: Source of Funds: Explanation of Source of other funding: Use of Funds: Description 2 Corrections Dep-Salary/Benefits, gear, Academy B-Scan Security Body Scanner Naphcare Cost Inc. per Contract Kitchen Cost Increase Prisoner Care Supplies Prisoner Care Medical Prof Ser. Prisoner Care RX Mental Health RX - Fund 1100 Transport Vehicle Operating Costs Increase-5% Brief Description of Program or Service Enhancement: To comply with Federal restrictive housing standards related to total hours in single cell confinement, it is advised that inmates should be limited to 22 hours in confinement housing w/2 hours out of confinement housing. Due to our current FTE staffing levels, we are not able to comply with the Federal standard without increasing two additional 24/7 shifts to monitor control room operations. This Federal standard and with increased local inmate population/mental health issues there is a need for two additional Corrections Deputy positions. For these same reasons the Medical Prof. Services, Kitchen, Supplies and RX costs have increased. Per Contract, NaphCare and Summit Food services increase each year. In 2020 we will no longer receive financial support from Great Rivers BHO to help with increased Mental Health RX costs. An additional transport vehicle is needed to assist with weekly required transports that are currently accomplished with the current aging 2003 transport van at 147,504 miles. We are asking for an additional 5% in Operating Costs to help cover the Jail's increased costs in supplies, phones, services, etc. Advantages of Approval: Providing us with 2 more Correction Deputy positions will assist us in adhering with Federal jail housing standards and maintaining the existing public safety services we provide the citizens of Lewis County. The B-Scan Security Body Scanner will increase safety for our employees and inmates. Implications of Denial: Increases the County's liability risk and prevents us from adhering to Federal inmate housing standards. Budget Department Use Only Approval Status: Budget Status: Added to Budget Detail cc: Office/Dept. Initials: Sheriff/ Jail 689426 Fund Balance ORG CODE # (no object required) 022C2360 022C2360 022C2360 022B2391 022C2360 022C2360 022C2360 11052369 022E2360 022A2310 Total Request 8525500 -8525500 022 Enhancment Ongoing If Other, Please Explain Below Budget Dept. will enter This needs to be zero or less Expenditure Amount $$ 179844 150000 22408 13397 20750 0 0 0 0 30507 88697 81600 70000 32223 689426 Notes to Form: If an Office or Department is not requesting to increase their budget over the initial limitation provided there is no need to complete this form If Cell D8 is over the limitation the budget worksheet will be returned-this cell has conditional formatting and will highlight red if the budget submitted is over the limitation If an Office or Department has a budget increase request you will need to fill out the entire form. Any Increase request will be discussed with the BOCC during a budget meeting coordinated by the Budget Department. Boxes highlighted in Blue have drop down boxes If the request is for a new program please contact the budget office for assistance on the BARS account numbers. The total in Cell F/G 38 should match the total request in Cell18C