2020 V.2 Sheriff Increase Request Form above limitation_2020 EXPENDITURE BUDGET LIMITATION Office/Department: Contact Name 2020 BUDGET LIMITATION: 2020 TOTAL PRELIM. BUDGET: DIFFERENCE: Request For Budget Increase Over Initial Limitation Amount Fund/Department Number: Status: New or Enhancement Establishing: (One time or Ongoing expenditure) Total Request: Source of Funds: Explanation of Source of other funding: Use of Funds: Description Operating Costs Increase-5% Brief Description of Program or Service Enhancement: The Operating Costs for the Sheriff's Budget have not had an increase since the 2016 budget. Unfortunately the costs for supplies, phones, services, etc. have increased each year. We are asking for an additional 5% in Operating Costs to help each budget within the Sheriff's Office. Advantages of Approval: Approval will assist the Sheriff's Office in maintaining the existing public safety services provided the citizens of Lewis County. Implications of Denial: Denial will mean a tight budget and probably having to ask for funds later in the 2020. Budget Department Use Only Approval Status: Budget Status: Added to Budget Detail cc: Office/Dept. Initials: Sheriff 22433 Fund Balance ORG CODE # (no object required) 021A2110 Total Request 8735550 -8735550 021 Enhancment Ongoing If Other, Please Explain Below Budget Dept. will enter This needs to be zero or less Expenditure Amount $$ 22433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22433 Notes to Form: If an Office or Department is not requesting to increase their budget over the initial limitation provided there is no need to complete this form If Cell D8 is over the limitation the budget worksheet will be returned-this cell has conditional formatting and will highlight red if the budget submitted is over the limitation If an Office or Department has a budget increase request you will need to fill out the entire form. Any Increase request will be discussed with the BOCC during a budget meeting coordinated by the Budget Department. Boxes highlighted in Blue have drop down boxes If the request is for a new program please contact the budget office for assistance on the BARS account numbers. The total in Cell F/G 38 should match the total request in Cell18C