WHEREAS, this matter coming on for hearing pursuant to public notice as provided by
law, all members being present and there being no objection, and the same having
been published in The Chronicle on Dec 3 and 10, 2019, and
WHEREAS, RCW 36 40 140 includes provisions for the expenditure of money not
provided for at the time of setting of the budget through a hearing and a majority vote
of the commissioners, and
WHEREAS, information exists which could not reasonably have been determined at the
time of setting of the original budget, which now constitutes the need to appropriately
include such information in the financial accounts and records of the County, and all
members of the Board of County Commissioners of Lewis County, Washington, having
had reasonable notice of time, place and purpose of this meeting, and
WHEREAS, the Board hereby consents to allow current year budget appropriations for
salaries and benefits to be expended on operational costs and Current Expense budgets
are amended to be set at the department level and other funds are to be set at the
fund level, provided that those authorized to administer such appropriations in the
different offices and departments submit to the Budget Department such transfer
requests for approval
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that expenditures in the amount of $2,279,248
be increased and revenue in the amount of $1,076,996 be increased, resulting in an
decrease in estimated ending fund balance in the amount of $1,202,252 Funds will be
placed in the budgets within Current Expense and other funds as indicated and
distributed in the revenue and expenditure accounts detailed on "Schedule A." Funds
may legally be transferred from one item to another within said budget, and
amended to be set at the department level and other funds are to be set at the fund
level, provided that those authorized to administer such appropriations in the different
offices and departments submit to the Budget Department such transfer requests for
DONE IN OPEN SESSION this 16th day of December, 2019
Jonathan Meyer, Prosecuting Attorney LEWIS COUNTY, WASHINGTON
Eric Eisenberg Robert C Jackson
By Eric Eisenberg, Robert C Jackson, Chair
Chief Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
ATTEST • 9'•u pT°F Sy Gary Stampe r
' Gary Stamper, Vice Chair
•o �C
S 5
Rieva Lester Edna J Fund
ti crop�'
Rieva Lester, Edna J Fund, Commissioner
Clerk of the Lewis County Board of County
4•ti A-
,777.7'-'°°'^47,7 177."r"" 610,078 noticed amount
i4'S Of"":'u"°) 112/102015:. ._. .._._ `�
Rini/Dept '!: . . - -4
y �
General Fund.. . ... ..r...,.:'.Revenuue..,i Expenditures p .
_balance AmendmenfDoserl"'tiom_. � .. .Changes
003 ELECTIONS - 35,000 (35,000)Increase for cost associated with elections
008 SUPERIOR COURT 40,637 (40,637)Increase for indigent defense and medical
009 DISTRICT COURT 32,916 (32,916)Increase for annual leave payout
010 PROSECUTORS 60,000 (60,000)Increase for salaries,benefits and professional services
014 INDIGENT DEFENSE 174,057 (174,057)Increase for indigent defense and Trial Court
021 SHERIFF 30,034 30,034 0 Increase revenue and expenditures for grants and extra
work detail
060 CORONER - 41,044 (41,044)Increase for extra help,pathologist,removals and
Increase transfer to Public Health,Southwest
901 TRANSFERS - 196,390 (196,390)Washington Fair and Facilities for unanticipated year
end expenses
Increase for employer paid medical.Posting issues for
VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 385,400 (365,400)next year budget with current ERP system may cause a 365,400
budget overage.Change to noticed amount
TOTALS CURRENT EXPENSE 30,034 975,478 (945,444) 365,400 Total Changes Current Expense
975,478 Total after changes
- 4.OTHER-FUNDS .. ` ' . '- ... Revenue ' 'Expenditures . . Amendment Description,.,-' . . .z . . 820,522 Noticed amount
1030 VETERANS RELIEF 4,395 (4'333)Increase for employee medical.Change to noticed 4,395
Increase revenue and expenditures for HCA funding for
1040 SOCIAL SERVICES 49,410 60,297 (10,887)substance abuse treatment contracts.Increase for 60,297
employee medical.Change to noticed amount
Increased utilities for the fairgrounds and increasing
1060 SOUTHWEST WASHINGTON FAIR 54,700 54,700 0 General Fund transfer to cover unanticipated
expenditures,also an Increase for DLC tourism Grant
and expenditures
1080 TREASURER OEM 15,900 (15,900)Increase In salaries,benefits and professional services. 15,900
Change to noticed amount
1100 MENTAL HEALTH TAX(CD-MH-TC)4TA 29,422 (20.422)Increase for defense attorney fees for the ITA program. 29,422
Change to notice amount
Increase for annual leave payout and permitting
services charged by Community Development with
1900 PUBLIC HEALTH 60,190 80,924 (20,734)offset in permit revenue.Increasing transfer in from the 50,734
General Fund to cover annual leave and increased
employer paid medical.Change to noticed amount
Increase revenue and expenditures for Hazo Hut
4010 SOLID WASTE UTILITY 219,462 220,549 (1,087)Improvements,eye wash stations,plasma cutter and
temporary office and pumping
Increase contribution to Solid Waste Utility for
4150 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DIST.#1 543,200 348,300 194,900 operations and Increase for garbage fee revenue and
professional services due to Increase total tonnage.
4200 VADER WATER UTILITY 30,928 (3g 028)Increase in operational expenses including salaries and
benefits for extra work hours
Increase transfer from the General Fund and increase
5070 FACIUTIES MAINTENANCE 120,000 120,000 0 in expenditures to cover unanticipated year end cost
increases for property insurance,utilities and phone
5200 RADIO SERVICES 9,085 (9,065)Increase for annual leave payout and radio site lease
payments .
5400 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 31,79D (31,790)Increase for annual leave payout and replacement 25,000
computers.Change to noticed amount
Increase for employer paid medical.Posting Issues for
VARIOUS FUNDS 297,500 (297,500)next year budget with current ERP system may cause a 297,500
budget overage.Change to noticed amount
1,430,600 Total Noticed Amount Other Funds and CE
TOTALS OTHER FUNDS 1,046,962 1,303,770 848,648
USE OF FUND BALANCE (256,808) 2,279,248
Total Exp Changes other funds and CE
GRAND TOTAL 1,076,996 2,279,248
(1,202,252) Total Amendment after changes
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-'•'
CURRENi.EXPENSE FUND 0010 -,'7 _ . . ,
SHERIFF 021 AREV 342104 EXTRA WORK DETAILS 23,067 22,795 45,862 Reimbursement for work detail
SHERIFF 021 BREV 331160 BVP GRANT 1,500 3,779 5,279 Increase for Bulletproof vest partnership funding
SHERIFF 021AREV 347900 1-1639 CLASSES 1.512 3,460 4,972 Increase revenue for 1-1639 training classes
26,079 30,034 56,113
AUDITOR ELECTIONS 00351440 510000 SALARIES 100;593 10,000 110,593 Increase salaries and benefits
AUDITOR ELECTIONS 00351440 511000 EXTRA HELP 8,530 5,000 13,530 Increase salaries and benefits
AUDITOR ELECTIONS 00351440 531000 SUPPLIES 42,500 2,000 44,500 Increase supplies for elections services
AUDITOR ELECTIONS 00351440 541000 PROF SERVICES 43,287 15,000 58,287 Increase professional services
AUDITOR ELECTIONS 00351440 543000 TRAVEL 4,000 3,000 7,000 Increase in travel costs
ASESSOR 00451424 531000 SUPPLIES 6,150 8,000 14,150 Increase for copy paper for year-end mailings
ASESSOR 00451424 535000 SMALL AND ATT 175 12,000 12,175 Increase request for office chairs
ASESSOR 00451424 510000 SALARIES 908,171 (20,000) 888,171 decrease salaries to cover operations(vacant positions)
CLERK 00751230 510000 SALARIES 715,279 (7,200) 708,079 Decreases salaries-vacant positions
CLERK 00751230 564000 COPIER 7,200 7,200 Increase for copier machine replacement
DISTRICT COURT 00951240 513000 SICK AND VAC PAYOUT 32,916 32,916 Increase for annual leave payout
SUPERIOR COURT 00851591 541130 IND DEF ATRNY FEES 150,000 15,000 165,000 Increase for indigent defense family law
SUPERIOR COURT 00851591 541200 IND DEF MEDICAL 1,000 8,000 9,000 increases for indigent medical costs
SUPERIOR COURT 00859112 570000 LEASES 2,637 2,637 Increase for copier lease
SUPERIOR COURT 00851221 549120 JUROR FEES 54,211 15,000 69,211 Increase for juror fees due to increase jury trials
PROSECUTOR 010D1535 510000 SALARIES 1,211,840 20,000 1,231,840 Increase in salaries and benefits
PROSECUTOR 01051531 510000 SALARIES 344,816 10,000 354,816 Increase in salaries and benefits
PROSECUTOR 010A1535 541140 INTERPRETORS 15,000 10,000 25,000 Increase for interpreter costs
PROSECUTOR 010A1535 541000 PROF SERV 45,000 10,000 55,000 Increase prof services
PROSECUTOR 010A1535 531000 SUPPLIES 28,556 10,000 38,556 Increase supplies
COUNTY ADMIN 01551310 541000 PROF SERVICES 40,000 (1,500) 38.500 Decrease in prof services
COUNTY ADMIN 01551310 523000 RETIREMENT 25,769 1,500 27,269 Increase in retirement
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 510000 SALARY/WAGES 462 5,500 5,962 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 521000 IND INS 20 20 40 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 522000 SOC SEC 3 375 378 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 522010 MEDICARE 80 80 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 523000 RETIREMENT 5 754 759 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 524000 MEDICAL 8 1,200 1,208 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 525000 LIFE 2 4 6 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 535000 SMALL&ATT - 8.266 8,266 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481223 541000 PROF SERV 756 756 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01461240 531000 SUPPLIES 1 400 6,898 8,298 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE-TCI 01481240 541000 PROF SERV 3,025 3,025 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 01481221 531000 SUPPLIES 100,000 21,000 121,000 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
INDIGENT DEFENSE TCI 014B1221 535000 SUPPLIES - 11,500 11,500 Increase for Trial Court Imp.Project
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-*** •
INDIGENT DEFENSE DC 014C1593 541000 PROF SERVICES 320,000 34,679 354,679 Increase for indigent defense costs-Dist.Crt
INDIGENT DEFENSE SC 014C1592 541000 PROF SERVICES 860,000 80.000 940,000 Increase for indigent defense costs-Sup.CO
SHERIFF 021F2122 512010 OVERTIME 102,399 20,158 122,557 Increase overtime and benefits for work detail
SHERIFF 021 F2122 522000 IND INS 102,893 1,542 104,435 Increase overtime and benefits for work detail
SHERIFF 021F2122 523000 RETIRMENT 75,058 1,095 76,153 Increase overtime and benefits for work detail
SHERIFF 021F2122 531000 SUPPLIES 17,730 3,779 21,509 Increase for bulletproof vest-grant funded
SHERIFF 021A2110 531000 SUPPLIES 4,000 68 4,068 Increase supplies/ammo
SHERIFF 021 N2140 545000 RENTALS 450 375 825 Increase for bldg.rental 1-1639 training
SHERIFF 021N2140 531000 SUPPLIES 11,012 3,017 14,029 Increase for supplies/ammo
CORONER 06056320 511000 EXTRA HELP 44,000 7,000 51,000 Increased calls and PDR request for Opioid litigation
CORONER 06056320 541000 PROF SERVICES 135,725 27,372 163,097 Increase for pathologist and removals
CORONER 06056320 531000 SUPPLIES 12,000 4,350 16,350 Increase medical supplies
CORONER 06056320 542000 COMMUNICATIONS 2,200 600 2,800 Increase for phone services
CORONER 06056320 548000 REPAIR&MAIM - 762 762 Increase for printing images
CORONER 06056320 535000 SMALL TOOLS 5,150 960 6,110 Replacement laptop
TRANSFERS 001X0190 597000 TRANSFER TO PH 768,400 30,190 798,590 Increase transfer to Public Health
TRANSFERS 001X0106 597000 TRANSFER TO FAIR 329,000 46,200 375,200 Increase transfer to SWWF
TRANSFERS 001X0507 597000 TRANSFER TO FACILITIES 120,000 120,000 Increase transfer to Facilities for utility and Ins costs
00151160 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 49 164 3,900 53,064 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00151423 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 20,100 200 20,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00151880 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 200 200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00251310 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 37,800 2,800 40,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00251423 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 72,900 7,700 80,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00251481 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 46,800 4.000 50.800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00251430 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 18,000 1,600 19,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00351440 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 22,800 2,000 24,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00451424 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 256,589 19,600 276,189 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00451481 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 21,993 1,300 23,293 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00551810 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 32,100 2,400 34,500 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00651422 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 96,600 7,200 103,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00751230 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 191.640 14.200 205,840 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00851221 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 78,495 5,800 84,295 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
00951240 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 197 160 17,000 214,160 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
010A1535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 40,425 4,100 44,525 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
01081535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 2,800 2,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
01051570 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 22,050 2,100 24,150 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
O10D1535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 244,755 19,200 263,955 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
01051580 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 51 450 4,100 55,550 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
01251900 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 27,600 1,600 29,200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
01551310 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 32,700 2,400 35,100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021A2110 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 113,855 7,600 121 455 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 B2123 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 68,301 6,100 74,401 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 C2121 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 125,218 11,200 136,418 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 D2121 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 25,184 2,400 27,584 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021E1 720 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 214,000 12,000 226,000 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 F2122 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 376,805 34,200 411,005 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021G2122 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 100 100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 H2180 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 31,663 2,700 34,363 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 J2110 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 9,000 800 9,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 K2110 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 77,906 6,400 84,306 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
021 M2170 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 240,553 20,500 261,053 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
022A2310 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 99 489 7 100 106,589 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
022C2360 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 728,302 60,300 788,602 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
02202360 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 184,176 14,700 198,876 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
022E2360 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 109,231 9,300 118,531 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
02352710 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 44,100 3,700 47,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
02352740 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 102,900 7 400 110,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
. .
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-***
02352760 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 211,386 14,800 226,186 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
02352741 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 29 400 2,500 31,900 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
02352730 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 29 400 3,700 33,100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits 1
02352731 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 41 160 3,500 44,660 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
05255430 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 35,719 2.900 38,619 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
06056320 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 27,900 2,400 30,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
07057121 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 22,332 2.900 25,232 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11,145,895 975,478 12,121,373 E/S
0010000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal. (945,444) Change in fund balance
tVETERANS RELIEF-kW' "" `- . -
10356520 524000 MED/DEN/VIS 3,189 c"." .µ 4.3951 7,584 Increase employee medical for Teamsters changes
3,189 4,395 7,584 Change to noticed amount
10300000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal. (4,395) Change in fund balance
1040SREV 333930 SS FED IND HLTH&HUMAN SVC 182,800 49,410 232,210 Increased revenue for HCA funding for substance abuse
182,800 49,410 232,210
10456622 541000 PROF SERVICES 42,000 15,000 57,000 Increase professional services for substance abuse contracts
10456600 541000 PROF SERVICES 0 34,410 34,410 Increase professional services for substance abuse contracts
10456210 524000 MED/DEN/VIS 23,652 10,887 34,539 Increase for employee medical for Teamsters employees
65,652 60,297 125,949 Change to noticed amount
1040000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal. (10,887) Change in fund balance
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19!'•
106X1001 397000 TRANSFE IN FROM CE 329,000 46,200 375,200 Increase transfer in from CE for increased cost
106DREV 337000 LOCAL GRANT 9,500 8,500 375,200 DLC grant from Port of Seattle
338,500 54,700 750,400
10657370 547000 UTILITIES 70,000 18,000 88,000 Utility increases
10657370 545000 RENTALS 400 8,000 8,400 Merchant card services
10657330 547000 UTILITIES 73,800 18,000 91,800 Utility increases
10657330 544000 TAXES 324 3,000 3,324 BSA Taxes
10655730 541000 PROF SERV 54,500 7,700 62,200 Port of Seattle advertising
199,024 54,700 253,724
10752810 541000 PROF SERVICES 158.076 75,000 233,076 Change in line items
10752810 548000 MED/DEN/VIS 33,000 (25,000) 8,000 Change in line items
10752810 510000 SALARIES AND WAGES 1,312,756 (25,000) 1,287,756 Change in line items
10752810 524000 MED/DEN/VIS 347,580 (25,000) 322,580 Change in line items
1,851,412 0 1,851,412
LTREASURE6'S 08.M FUND.1080 ' r v j
10851422 541000 PROF SERVICES 37,515 7,000 44,515 Increase in professional services
10851422 531000 SUPPLIES 2,096 2,000 4,096 Increase in supplies
10851422 510000 SALARIES/WAGES 46,188 6,000 52,188 Increase for allocation of Office Manager sal/ben
10851422 521000 IND INS 187 300 487 Increase for allocation of Office Manager sal/ben
10851422 522010 MEDICARE 271 400 671 Increase for allocation of Office Manager sal/ben
10851422 527000 FLA 63 100 163 Increase for allocation of Office Manager sal/ben
10851422 542000 COMMUNICATIONS 7,918 100 8,018 Increase for postage
94,238 15,900 110,138 Change to noticed amount
10800000 2918000 Estimated ending fund bal. (15,900) Change in fund balance
CD=MH-TC FUND 1100' 7-7 ' -. - ,< -N(
110J1221 541130 PROF SERVICES 178,003 29,422 207,425 Increase for defense attorneys fees for RA's
178,003 29,422 207,425 Change to noticed amount
11000000 2918000 Estimated ending fund bal. (29,422) Change in fund balance
(PUBLIC HEALTH fUNDi1900 r -. '-' • 7 - 1
190X1001 397000 TRANSFE IN FROM CE 768,400 30,190 798,590 Increase transfer in from CE for payout
1900NREV 322100 PH BLDG PERMITS 220,000 30,000 250,000 Increase permit revenue
988,400 60,190 1,048,590 Change to noticed amount
19056256 513000 SICK/VAC PAYOUT 0 30,190 30,190 Annual leave payout for D York
19056210 524000 MED/DEN/VISION 305,121 20,734 325,855 Increase medical for Teamsters employees
190X0121 597000 TRANSFER TO CD 48,000 30,000 78,000
353,121 80,924 434,045 Change to noticed amount
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-•"
SOLID WASTE UTILITY RTND`4010 -'~7"'"7" (7' ---71
4010AREV 343700 SALES AND SERVICES 2,502079 29 140 2531,219 Increased contributions from SWDD#1
4010CREV 359900 LIEN PAYMENT 35,000 35,000 Uen payment for Blue Rd cleanup-reserved for abatement fund
4010AREV 334031 DOE GRANT 60,784 129,015 189,799 DOR grant for Hazo Hut
4010LREV 334031 DOE GRANT 26,610 26,307 52,917 Increase DOE Grant for Litter Program
2,589.473 219.462 2,808,935
40173700 510000 SALARIES 504,473 2,695 507 168 Increase salaries/wages and Benefits for promotion
40173700 522000 IND INS 43.228 206 43,434 Increase salaries/wages and Benefits for promotion
40113700 523000 RETIREMENT 70,747 342 71,089 Increase salaries/wages and Benefits for promotion
40173700 527000 FLA 4 4 Increase salaries/wages and Benefits for promotion
401T3700 541000 PROF SERVICES 243,755 16,700 260,455 Holding tank pumping
40113700 545000 RENTALS 10,000 4,500 14,500 Temporary office for tipping floor staff
401T3700 513000 SICK AND VAC PAYOUT 16,000 16,000
401T3700 548000 REPAIRS MAIN 15,068 15,068 Lighting improvement at transfer station
401 H9437 562000 BLDG AND STRUC 90,000 150,034 240,034 Increase for Hazo Hut construction and improvement
401T3700 535000 SMALL&ATT - 15,000 15,000 Increase for plasma cutter and eye wash stations
962,203 220.549 1,182,752 E/S
40100000 2918000 Estimated ending fund bal. (1,0871 Change in fund balance
4150BREV 343700 GARBAGE FEES 6,702.300 540,000 7,242,300 Increase garbage fees
415OBREV 369100 REBATE 3,200 3.200 Rebate for lighting
6,702,300 543,200 7,245,500
41583700 541000 PROF SERVICES 3,664,196 303,060 3,967,256 Increase prof services for transfer services
41583700 544000 TAXES 102,050 8.100 110,150 Increase for taxes related to tonnage
415B3700 549000 MISC 38,000 8,000 46,000
41583700 591000 PROF SERVICES 2,502,079 29,140 2,531,219
6,306,325 348,300 6,654,625 E
41500000 2918000 Estimated ending fund bal. 194.900 Change in fund balance
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-*** .
42053400 510000 SALARIES 94,491 12,509 107,000 Increase salary for extra labor
42053400 512000 OVERTIME 18,009 4,500 22,509 Increase overtime
42053400 513000 SICK VAC PAYOUT 0 4,600 4,600 Increase for annual leave payout
42053400 522000 IND INS 8,005 1,654 9,659 Increase benefits
42053400 523000 RETIREMENT 14,085 2,615 16,700 Increase benefits
42053400 524000 MEDICAL 26,718 4,900 31,618 Increase benefits
42053400 526000 UNIFORM/CLOTHING 0 150 150 Increase for boot allowance
161,308 30,928 192,236
FUND BALANCE 42000000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal.
(30.9281 Change in fund balance
507X1001 397000 TRANSFER FROM CE 120.000 120,000 Transfer from CE for unanticipated costs related to Insurance and utility
0 120,000 120,000 usage
507M1830 531000 SUPPLIES 85,000 20,000 105,000 Increase for parts and supplies for maint.proj.
50701830 531000 SUPPLIES 12,500 3,000 15,500 Increase for custodial supplies
507C1830 534000 INVENT SUPP 54,000 15,000 69,000 Increase for custodial supplies-inventory
507M1830 546000 PROP INS 135,000 10,000 145,000 Increase for property insurance
507M1830 542000 COMMUNICATIONS 10,000 45,000 55.000 Increase for phone costs-direct pay by fac.
507M1830 547010 UTILITY-ELEC 348,700 27,000 375,700 Increase in electricity usage
645,200 120,000 765,200 S
ilA t SERVICES N D e' - : "*--' 1
52052880 513000 SICK AND VAC PAYOUT 0 4,065 4,065 Increase for sick and vacation payout
52052880 545000 RADIO LEASES 15,000 5,000 20,000 Increase for radio site leases
15,000 9,065 24,065 E
FUND BALANCE 52000000 291800 Estimated ending fund bal. (9,065) Change in fund balance
54051881 513000 SICK AND VAC PAYOUT 0 6,790 6,790 Increase for sick and vacation payout
54051889 535000 SMALL TOOLS 0 25,000 25,000 Increase for computer replacements
0 31,790 31,790 E Change to noticed amount
5400000 2918000 Estimated ending fund bal. (31.790) Change in fund balance
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-"`
10152510 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 23,520 2,800 26,320 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10356520 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 3,189 2,500 5,689 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10456210 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 23,652 9,300 32,952 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10455720 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 930 100 1,030 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10456800 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 1,302 500 1,802 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10456540 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 10,266 1,200 11 466 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10456622 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 36,270 2,400 38,670 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10657370 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 28,818 2,200 31,018 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10657330 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 23,322 3,500 26,822 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10655730 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 18,600 1,600 20,200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
10851422 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 8,700 900 9,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11051221 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 24,825 2,200 27.025 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11051222 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 14,415 1,300 15,715 Increased-employee medical for one month of benefits
11081535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 7,200 600 7,800 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
110C1535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 7,350 600 7,950 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11051230 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 13,500 1,000 14,500 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
I10J1221 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 930 100 1,030 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
110J1535 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 31,374 2,300 33,674 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11052360 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 22,517 2,000 24,517 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11056283 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 300 300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11255360 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 27,652 2,000 29,652 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754310 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 101 183 3,800 104,983 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754330 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 4,100 4,100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754420 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 200,226 18,200 218,426 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754440 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 94,869 5.600 100,469 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754210 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 46,719 5,900 52,619 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754230 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 173,675 10,200 183,875 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754240 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 65,894 5,600 71 494 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754250 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 6,864 300 7 164 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754264 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 81,000 2,300 83,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754266 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 21,964 2,700 24,664 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754267 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 4,392 700 5,092 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754269 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 100 100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754270 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 225,084 10,900 235,984 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754280 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 500 500 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11754290 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 312.964 41,800 354,764 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11759510 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 114,415 5,100 119,515 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11759520 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 5,720 200 5,920 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
11759562 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 200 200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
117G4440 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 84,000 6,400 90,400 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
12152410 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 18,000 1,600 19,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
121 A5850 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 74,700 5,700 80,400 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
12152420 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 32,534 3,100 35,634 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19!••
12152460 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 1,006 200 1,206 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
121 B5850 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 14,100 1,600 15,700 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
12155860 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 51,874 4,000 55,874 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056210 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 21,821 14,100 35,921 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056225 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 1 434 500 1,934 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056228 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 62,196 7,700 69,896 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056232 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 5,781 600 6,381 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056234 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 1,685 100 1,785 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056233 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 438 100 538 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056239 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 7,936 1 100 9,036 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056271 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 7,816 700 8,516 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056288 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 8,480 900 9.380 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056252 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 18,900 1,200 20,100 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056253 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 12,000 400 12,400 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056254 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 26,400 2,200 28,600 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056256 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 41,820 2,800 44,620 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056259 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 61,950 4,500 66,450 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
19056272 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 22,230 2.000 24,230 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
30151880 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 0 1,200 1,200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
401 A3700 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 51,541 4,000 55,541 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
401T3700 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 126,444 11,600 138,044 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
401 R3700 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 15,000 1,300 16,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
401L3700 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 15,000 1,200 16,200 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
42053400 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 26,718 2,200 28,918 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
50154870 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 68,385 6,600 74,985 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
50154860 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 124,635 8,500 133,135 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507A1830 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 37 110 3,800 40,910 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507C1830 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 82,738 7,200 89,938 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507F1830 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 28,702 100 28,802 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507L1830 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 13,668 1 400 15,068 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507M1830 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 72,915 7,900 80,815 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
507P7680 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 0 300 300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
51291890 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 19,953 1 400 21,353 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
52052810 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 1,380 200 1,580 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
52052880 524000 MEDICAL/DENTALNISION 28,068 1,300 29,368 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
54051881 524000 MEDICAL/DENTAL/VISION 236,100 18,200 254,300 Increased employee medical for one month of benefits
3,308,759 297,500 3,606,259 E Change to noticed amount
DEM 1010000 291800 (2,800)
VETERANS 1030000 291800 (2,500)
SOCIAL SERVICES 1040000 291800 (13,500)
SWWF 1060000 291800 (7,300)
TREASURERS O&M 1080000 291800 (900)
CD-MH-TC 1100000 291800 (10,400)
WEED CONTROL 1120000 291800 (2,000)
ROADS 1170000 291800 (124,600)
COMM DEV 1210000 291800 (16,200)
PUBLIC HEALTH 1900000 291800 (38,900)
CAPITAL MAIM.&OPERATIONS 3010000 291800 (1,200)
SOLID WASTE 4010000 291800 (18,100)
VADER WATER 4200000 291800 (2,200)
ER&R 5010000 291800 (15,100)
FACILITIES 5070000 291800 (20,700)
GENERAL LIABILITY-PDR 5120000 291800 (1 400)
RADIO SERVICES 5200000 291800 (1,500)
IT SERVICES 5400000 291800 (18,200)
Change in fund balance
Estimated ending fund bal. (297,500)
Lewis County Washington
Budget Amendment Resolution#19-***
Noticed Amounts Current Expense
Revenue 997,586 30,034
Expenditures 1430,600 610,078
Fund Balance (433,014) (580,044)
Exp Change Rev Change Fund/Dept.
Fund/Dept.# Reason for the change
from Notice from Notice Name
4,395 0 1030 Veterans Relief Teamsters employee medical
60,297 49,410 1040 Social Teamsters employee medical,and professional services
15,900 0 1080 O&M Treasurer Salaries,supplies and postage
29,422 0 1100 CD-MH-TC Increase for attorney fees-ITA
Employee medical,and permit services charged by Comm.
50,734 30,000 1900 Public Health Dev.
25,000 0 5400 IT Services Replacement computers
Increase for employer paid medical due to posting for next year
297,500 0 Various Various budget with current ERP system.This is not an additional
benefits.Change to noticed amount
Increase for employer paid medical due to posting for next year
365,400 0 Various Various budget with current ERP system.This is not an additional
benefits.Change to noticed amount
848,648' ' ...79,410' ..., .. .. .. ..-.
Final Amounts Current Expense
Revenue 1,076,996 30,034
Expenditures 2,279,248 975,478
Fund Balance (1,202,252) (945,444)
Resolution: BOCC Meeting Date: Dec 16, 2019
Suggested Wording for Agenda Item: Agenda Type: Hearing - Resolution
Lewis County 2019 budget, emergency and supplemental appropriations to and transfers within
current expense and other funds
Contact: Becky Butler Phone: 360-740-1198
Department: BUD - Budget
Budget Amendment Hearing for the 2019 Budget
Approvals: Publication Requirements:
User Status
Erik Martin Pending
PA's Office Pending
Additional Copies
Rodney Reynolds, Amy Davis, Suzette Smith and Larry Grove