2019-11-18 County Manager UpdateCounty Manager Update November 18, 2019 11:03 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund (by phone at 11:11 a.m.), County Manager Erik Martin, Josh Metcalf, Becky Butler, Lara McRea, Steve Walton, Andy Caldwell, Tawni Shepherd, Graham Gowing, Eric Eisenberg, Steve Wohld, Amber Smith (11:38 a.m.) Guests: Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Chris Murphy Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Jackson made a motion to cancel the Directors’ Update and to discuss calendars related to the Business Meeting calendared for Nov. 25. Commissioner Stamper seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Directors and administrators gave information about proposals they would present Nov. 25: Josh Metcalf said Public Works would present: • A call for Bids for the 2020 Graf Road MP 1.01 Culvert Replacement Project. • An RFP for the Packwood Floodplain study. JP Anderson said Health would present: • A resolution to approve the 5-year Housing and Homeless Strategic Plan as required from the Department of Commerce to identify homeless housing needs and develop goals and objectives to address those needs. Commissioner Fund joined by phone at 11:11 a.m. Graham Gowing said Community Development would present: • A resolution approving an addendum to the Nisqually Watershed Management Plan in response to the 2018 Streamflow Restoration Action (RCW 90.94). Josh Metcalf said Public Works would present: • A resolution to execute a contract with the Washington State Department of Commerce to fund the Packwood FEMA Floodplain Study. • A notice of hearing regarding the acceptance of the Vader-Enchanted Valley New Water Reservoir. Eric Eisenberg said he would present a hearing Nov. 25: • A hearing regarding the adoption of a special assessment applicable to parcels within Lewis County Flood Control District 1. Graham Gowing said Community Development would hold a hearing on the following: • An ordinance to amend the Lewis County Comprehensive Plan. Steve Walton, Andy Caldwell, Tawni Shepherd, Graham Gowing, Eric Eisenberg and Steve Wohld left at 11:22 a.m. Becky said a Budget Amendment is planned for Dec. 16. She said offices and departments have been made aware of preliminary decisions. Erik said the Salary Commission may need staff support moving forward. He said the PA’s Office has indicated Cullen Gatten can provide legal support. Erik said the group also may need administrative support, such as someone to take minutes. Josh Metcalf discussed work on the Packwood Floodplain and the NLCIA. Amber Smith joined at 11:38 a.m. Josh said work is being done to clean up the South Lewis County Airport and to remove two derelict planes. He said construction work will go out to bid likely in January. Erik Martin said the Planning Commission voted Nov. 12 to move forward a recommendation regarding the extraction of water in resource lands. Public Health and Social Services: Erik said District 2 is unhappy that District 5 is not paying its bill. He noted that District 2 accepts sewage from District 5. He said Bill Teitzel and others are working to find solutions. Erik said the Treasurer’s Office has indicated that District 5 has no money. He said Virgil Fox also contends that the bills are not being paid because he feels District 2 raised its rates illegally. Amber Smith said Dennis Eros won the election for the vacant position and that a write-in candidate will take Deborah Hilliard’s seat. Erik said area establishments were upset with recent health inspections. He said the county may begin publishing health inspection results on the county website. Erik discussed turnover in the 911 department. Josh said he has not yet heard anything about the Build grant. Becky Butler said Officer Mike Gallagher’s widow has remarried, so some of the upfront Workers’ Comp benefits the county paid will be returned to the county. Josh discussed work on the Packwood floodplain study. He said he would attend the upcoming Packwood Improve Club meeting. Commissioner Jackson said Coroner Warren McLeod has outlined some additional, unexpected expenses the Coroner’s Office incurred. Meeting adjourned at 12:01 p.m.