2019-11-25 PA UpdatePA Update November 25, 2019 4 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, County Manager Erik Martin, Jonathan Meyer, Eric Eisenberg, Cullen Gatten, Amber Caulfield, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, Daleyn Coleman, Kevin McDowell, Janelle Kambich, John Abplanalp, JP Anderson joined at 4:07 p.m. Guest(s): Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Bob Guenther, Gary Fox (4:04 p.m.) Recorder: Rieva Lester Jonathan Meyer said he would like to have a separate discussion regarding union negotiations. He and Cullen Gatten noted that the discussion would not be subject to the OPMA, as outlined in RCW 42.30.140(4)(b). Jonathan said that earlier in the day, the county received 156 pages for discovery related to the Destination Packwood case. He said he expects an update within the next week. Eric Eisenberg discussed an upcoming update to the noxious weed ordinance. Gary Fox joined at 4:04 p.m. Eric discussed the levy certification process the Clerk of the Board has used to certify levies to the Assessor’s Office. JP Anderson joined at 4:07 p.m. Eric said the state wants the commissioners to give written steps outlining the process they want the Clerk of the Board to take to carry out the informal certification process. He said there are three options: • Memo only • Memo with a resolution before the deadline (10 a.m. Dec. 2) • Memo with a resolution after the deadline (10 a.m. Dec. 9) Commissioner Stamper made a motion to put on letterhead a memo that outlines the informal levy certification process and directs the Clerk of the Board on how to certify the levies. Commissioner Jackson seconded. Motion passed 2-0. Eric proposed a compromise on the name search feature on the Parcels website. He suggested hiring someone to draft a packet that outlines how to protect one’s identity, if needed, to improve safety related to name searches for domestic violence victims. Eric estimated the cost at roughly $1,000. Cullen Gatten said his office is working on a memo regarding ownership of the data used in the parcels search. Cullen discussed a civil forfeiture matter related to a property seizure. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson agreed to allow for indemnification and defense. Cullen discussed another request for indemnification, this one related to a federal civil rights matter. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson agreed to allow for indemnification and defense. Amber said Water-Sewer District 5 will meet Dec. 11. She said Dennis Eros is awaiting the certification of the election and, as the winning write-in candidate, will take the oath thereafter. Amber said the district recently learned the total it owes the Department of Revenue for unpaid taxes: $15,000. She said the district is still operating without legal representation. Amber said Water-Sewer District 2 increased its rates and Water-Sewer District 5 voted not to pay its bills, which now total roughly $1,400. Amber said Water-Sewer District 2 has sent notice that it will shut off the valve to Water-Sewer 5 if the bill is not paid. Amber said there are nine homes in Water-Sewer 5 that would be affected by the potential shut-off. Amber said she has concerns about how Water-Sewer 2 noticed its special meeting. Bob Guenther left at 4:31 p.m. Commissioner Jackson asked if it would be appropriate to join the Lewis County Seniors Board as a non- voting member to receive information about the work being performed first-hand. Eric and Jonathan said it would be appropriate and that similar action has taken place in the past. Eric said the county’s zoning code regulates the application of biosolids. Eric said he will reach out to Community Development regarding the matter. At 4:38 p.m., Commissioner Jackson announced that the Board was going into Executive Session under RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) for 15 minutes to discuss pending and / or potential litigation. Executive Session ended at 4:53 p.m. Commissioner Jackson noted that no decisions had been made. Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.