2019-11-25 Update with County ManagerUpdate with County Manager November 25, 2019 11:04 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Becky Butler Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget Becky Butler said a decision will be needed on what percentage of sales and use tax to set aside for future capital projects. Becky said the projected use of fund balance for 2020 is $2.6 million. Becky said the board could choose to set aside 3.5 percent ($259,000), 5 percent ($370,000) or 10 percent ($740,000) of the estimated sales and use tax for 2020 for capital projects. Becky noted that the county always can move one-time revenues into the account. Commissioner Fund left at 11:10 a.m. Erik Martin said he recommends building the percentage into the budget. Commissioner Fund returned at 11:14 a.m. Becky said the Clerk’s Office has asked for permission to use unspent allocations to purchase a copier and that the Assessor’s Office has asked to use unspent allocations to buy 24 new chairs at $400 apiece. Erik said he and Tawni Shepherd would meet with the Assessor to review the request. The commissioners approved the Clerk’s request to purchase a copier. 2020 Census Commissioner Fund said Yvonne Rivera is spearheading kickoff events for the 2020 Census. Erik and Commissioner Fund discussed outreach efforts. Public Health and Social Services Water-Sewer Districts 2 and 5: Erik said the county will need to decide what to do about funding for the potential purchase of Water District 5. He said the county needs to determine where the money will come from, what the terms will be and how the loan would be repaid. Erik said Josh Metcalf, Amber Caulfield and Betsy Dillin are working on a real value of the system. Erik said District 5 has debts and equity. He said any money left over if the district dissolves would go back to the governmental entity that is taking it over. He suggested keeping that in mind as the county sets the purchase price in an effort to eliminate paying an amount that would then go back to the county. Erik said he thinks Water-Sewer District 5’ debt is ball-parked at $400,000. Erik noted that the reservoir needs to be cleaned and painted. Erik said the county will include contingencies regarding maintenance and repairs in its offer. Becky noted that Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funds could be used for the capital purchase. She said the county also could loan itself money from REET. Erik said Josh feels additional staff will not be needed. Commissioner Fund left at 11:33 a.m. The commissioners agreed to list the project on the REET capital plan. Commissioner Fund joined by phone at 11:37 a.m. Erik said he would suggest processing the funds as a loan. Risk Management Risk policy update: Erik said the Risk policy is being updated. He said the revised version would give the Risk Manager authority to deny claims up to a certain dollar amount. PDR Erik said the PDR department has hired an office assistant. IT Server replacement: Erik said the Spillman server is scheduled to be replaced Jan. 20 and the storage server will be replaced in the first quarter. He said both are estimated at roughly $250,000. Central Services CFP update / recommendations: Erik said the consultant will present his recommendations Dec. 10. Senior Center work update: Erik said a door is being replaced at the Toledo Senior Center. He said the Morton Senior Center’s light replacement project was successful. HR Erik said he is working on a cost-neutral reorganization plan. Calendars / vacation schedules Commissioner Jackson said he will not be able to attend the Nov. 26 Open Gov demonstration. Commissioner Fund left at 11:56 a.m. Meeting ended at 11:59 a.m.