2019-12-06 Mayors MeetingMayors’ Meeting December 6, 2019 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Small Communities Initiative Program Manager Cathi Read of the Olympia Office of the Washington State Dept. of Commerce; Mackey Smith of Tanner; EDC Executive Director Matt Matayoshi, Port Commissioner Peter Lahmann, Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen, Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh, Chehalis Mayor Dennis Dawes, Chehalis City Manager Jill Anderson, Centralia City Manager Rob Hill, Wes Anderson of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Chad Hancock of WSDOT, Lewis County IT Director Steve Wohld, Dale Lewis of U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s office, Vader Mayor Lois Wilson, Winlock Mayor Pro Tem Connie Sneed, Mossyrock Treasurer Angie Hartman, Lewis County Treasurer Arny Davis, Lewis County Clerk Scott Tinney, Lewis County Budget Services Manager Becky Butler, Emergency Planner Andy Caldwell, Assessor Dianne Dorey (9:53 a.m.) Guests: Ralph Mancini, Lynnette Hoffman, Anne Randt Recorder: Rieva Lester Mackey Smith of the consulting firm Tanner discussed Lewis County’s plan to engage the community in its strategic planning efforts. Mackey discussed plans for an electronic survey – of which paper copies will be available – and plans to host town hall-style meetings in the various communities. Mackey left at 9:15 a.m. Cathi Read, Small Communities Initiative Program Manager for the Olympia Office of the Washington State Dept. of Commerce, discussed grants and loans available to help with drinking water and wastewater projects. She provided contact information for planners, engineers and other specialists. Cathi noted that the number of federal grants available has dwindled. Scott Tinney left at 9:38 a.m. Commissioner Fund and others reviewed flooding / emergency preparedness links: • River conditions: http://rivers.lewiscountywa.gov/#/ • Roads conditions: https://roads.lewiscountywa.gov • Lewis County Alert: www.lewiscountywa.gov (click on the Lewis County Alert icon at the bottom right-hand side of the page) • Department of Homeland Security’s preparedness tips: https://Ready.gov • Disaster preparedness: https://lewiscountywa.gov/emergency-management/emergency- preparedness • River gauges: https://lewiscountywa.gov/emergency-management/2018-river-gage-information • GIS website: https://gis.lewiscountywa.gov/webmap/ Emergency Planner Andy Caldwell also invited the group to attend upcoming ham radio training. Erik Martin said the county has been working with city and fire officials. He said a scoping meeting is planned with TCOMM within the next few weeks. Toledo Mayor Steve Dobosh said the city is hosting a Santa quad parade followed by a tree-lighting event and fireworks beginning at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 7. Chehalis Mayor Dennis Dawes thanked the county for its efforts on the 911 study. He provided updates about improvements being made at Recreation Park and noted that Chehalis City Councilmember Terry Harris had been unseated. He invited the group to a going-away ceremony for Terry as well as a Christmas parade planned for 11 a.m. Dec. 7. Centralia City Manager Rob Hill discussed Mayor Lee Coumbs’ contributions to the city and community. He invited the group to the light show at Borst Park as well as the city’s Dec. 7 parade. Wes Anderson of the Washington State Department of Transportation provided updates on area transportation projects, including an emergency fix for the 13th Street overpass, which was struck a few months ago. Erik Martin left at 10:16 a.m. Public Works Director Josh Metcalf discussed projects being delayed due to funding being placed on hold in response to the passage of I-976. He discussed other projects with which Public Works is involved. Josh Metcalf left at 10:20 a.m. Dianne Dorey left at 10:21 a.m. Dale Lewis of Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler’s office discussed budget work in Washington, D.C. He noted that the congresswoman is working on a Child Tax Credit bill and flooding. Commissioner Fund discussed the upcoming 40th anniversary of the Mount St. Helens eruption. Commissioner Stamper discussed the contributions of Mayor Coumbs and City Councilman Terry Harris. Winlock Mayor Pro Tem Connie Sneed said the city is working on its comp plan and will hold its annual Walk N’ Knock event Dec. 7. Mossyrock Treasurer Angie Hartman discussed plans for a tree-lighting event. She said the city has passed its 2020 budget is looking forward to a busy new year. Matt Matayoshi discussed job openings at UNFI. He said the county’s unemployment rate is at 6 percent. Matt discussed a slow-down in timber harvesting due to low prices. Wes Anderson said the stakeholders are looking at removing a stop sign at the Rush Road interchange to help ease congestion. Port of Centralia Commissioner Peter Lahmann said Cascade Mental Health is expanding. He said money for an off-ramp appears to be on hold. He invited the group to Authors’ Afternoon on Dec. 14, the Lighted Tractor Parade on Dec. 14 and the Twin Cities Chorale’s musical event Dec. 15. Morton Mayor Dan Mortensen discussed a small parade the city is hosting Dec. 7. Meeting adjourned at 10:42 a.m.