2019-12-09 County Manager UpdateUpdate with County Manager December 9, 2019 11 a.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, County Manager Erik Martin, Lara McRea Guest: Dr. Lindsey Pollock Recorder: Rieva Lester Budget County Manager Erik Martin said a budget amendment hearing is scheduled for Dec. 16. Personnel Erik discussed his proposal for a cost-neutral reorganization, under which the county would make the following changes: Add an Assistant County Manager position. Erik said he’d like Steve Wohld to fill that role. Add an assistant County Manager support (moving accounting specialist from IT to Assistant County Manager), while eliminating the HR administrator position, the Risk Management administrator position, the Central Services Director position and the Emergency Services Director position. He said the IT Manager position also would be eliminated. Erik said a Director would oversee HR, Risk and PDR. He said Steve Walton would fill the HR/Risk/PDR Director role. Erik said a benefits specialist and a Risk/HR/Risk assistant would be added. Erik said a DEM Administrator would be added and would be housed under Public Works. He said 911 would fall under the County Manager. Erik said Facilities and Fair would be stand-alone departments and would report to the Assistant County Manager. Erik noted that an ERP Systems Manager and a Public Disclosure Office Assistant positions already have been added. Erik said the changes would create a savings of roughly $20,000. Erik said he’d like to see the changes take effect Jan. 1, 2020. Commissioner Fund asked Erik to share the proposal with Larry McGee and Anil Puri. Erik said he would review the title of the Assistant County Manager. Public Health and Social Services Erik said Ecology has indicated it can put a moratorium on wells in the Birchfield development. Calendars The commissioners discussed their calendars. Commissioner Jackson said he would be out of the office Dec. 11-13. Commissioner Jackson left at 11:56 a.m. Meeting ended at 12:03 p.m.