2019-12-10 Lewis County - Masterplan_CompressedLewis County Facilities Masterplan December 10, 2019 + Lewis County Masterplan | Executive Summary In 2018 Lewis County contracted with KMB architects to provide architectural and engineering (A/E) services for the Lewis County Capital Facilities Plan. The Capital Facilities Plan and Master Planning data provided, will be used in support of the updating of the Growth Management Act (GMA) Comprehensive Plan for the County. As part of this process, the County’s Capital Facilities Plan is also undergoing a revision to meet anticipated future needs outlined in the Comprehensive plan. It is anticipated that the Capital Facilities plan will include several capital projects including new construction and renovation of existing facilities. As part of the Capital Facilities Plan, KMB architects performed space needs assessments and space programming of the Juvenile Justice Center; Public Works, Emergency Management, and E911 facility; and Community and Health Services Facility. Once the needs were defined and space programs were developed KMB architects collaborated with County stakeholder groups and the County Facilities Department to develop Master Plan concepts and options for how the campuses of Downtown, Kresky, Central Shop and Animal Shelter could be expanded, renovated or reused to meet the programmatic space needs over the next 10-20 years. The Master Plan options considered potential development, analyzing land availability, utility and service availability; and determine phasing strategies for each campus future development. These Master Planning discussions developed five (5) options with multiple scenarios within each option. These options including incremental phasing scenarios and analyzed if steps had to occur sequentially in a series of steps or if steps could overlap in multiple parallel projects. These Master Plan discussion also analyzed space need priorities by determining which capital projects needed to occur first due to facility, programmatic and/ or operational needs. This analysis resulted on project schedules that determined the total duration of each option which allowed the team to develop accurate cost models including construction escalation costs. Once the cost models were developed, the project team was able to evaluate funding options that would allow Lewis County to potentially implement the Capital Facilities Plan. Through further discussion and analysis the Capital Facilities Plan group determined the Preferred Option. The Preferred Option was further refined, and updated as additional land and properties were acquired by the County, i.e. the (McDaniel’s Property) property located between NW Railroad Avenue, SW Chehalis Avenue, SW Alfred Street and West Main Street. The program, schedule, cost models, site plans and phasing models of the Preferred Option is what is incorporated in the final draft document. Lewis County Masterplan | Downtown Chehalis Sites Diagram Key: Proposed Capital Project County-Owned Property Proposed Property Acquisition Building Demolition EXPANSION AREAProposed Street Vacation Downtown Site Phases: 1 Phase 1: (a) Relocate Dropbox (b) Add Parking Next to Star Tavern (c) Health Building to remain as is. Water lab to be removed in future. (d) Revise parking next to Health Building 3 Phase 3: (a) Reconfigure building for Community Development and Environmental Health (b) Future location of water lab 4 Phase 4: Work at Kresky Site 2 8 Phase 2: (a) Demolish Buildings (b) Reconfigure parking (c)New 32,000 SF Juvenile Justice Center (d) Future Expansion Space Phase 8: Work at Animal Shelter 5 Phase 5: Work at Central Shop 1d 1c 2c 2b 2d 2a 7 1a 1b 7 Phase 7: Motor Pool Converted to Conference Center 31 2a 2b 7 Convert Street to One-way 6 Phase 6: Work at Central Shop Lewis County Masterplan | Kresky Site Kresky Site Phases: 4 Phase 4: (a)Vacate: WSECU Building (b) Reconfigure building with existing program. Public works and Transportation (c) Demolish excess Buildings on site (d) Construct Traffic & Sign Shop4 4a 4b 4d 4c4c Diagram Key: Proposed Capital Project County-Owned Property Proposed Property Acquisition Building Demolition Proposed Street Vacation Lewis County Masterplan | Central Shop Site 6c E 9 1 1 EOCRadio ShopCentral Shop Site Phases: Phase 6: (a) New E911, EOC, Radio Shop building (b) Reconfigure Parking (c) New Septic Tank and Drainage Field 6 Phase 5: Existing Central Shop Reconfigure for Motor Pool 5 5 6 5 6a6b Diagram Key: Proposed Capital Project County-Owned Property Proposed Property Acquisition Building Demolition Proposed Street Vacation Lewis County Masterplan | Animal Shelter Site Animal Shelter Site Phases: 8 Phase 8: (a) Locate New Animal Shelter on Existing Site 4,000 SF (b) Maintain existing animal shelter for overflow8 8a 8b Diagram Key: Proposed Capital Project County-Owned Property Proposed Property Acquisition Building Demolition Proposed Street Vacation Lewis County Masterplan | Program & Phasing Plan DRAFT KMB archtiects DEPARTMENT DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF DGSF GSF IT Department IT Department 5,585 6,702 5,585 6,702 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal 5,585 6,702 5,585 6,702 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Social Services WIC and Admin. (2nd Floor)5,585 6,702 2,691 3,229 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Health 5,000 6,000 2,272 2,727 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal 10,585 12,702 4,963 5,956 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Environmental Health 585 702 2,686 3,223 - - - - 2,686 3,223 - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal 585 702 2,686 3,223 - - - - 2,686 3,223 - - - - - - - - - - Community Development Community Development - - 5,122 6,146 - - - - 5,122 6,146 - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal - - 5,122 6,146 - - - - 5,122 6,146 - - - - - - - - - - Public Works Public Works - 16,450 11,427 13,712 - - - - - - 11,427 13,712 - - - - - - - - Transportation - Public Works - - 879 1,055 - - - - - - 879 1,055 - - - - - - - - Traffic - Central Shop - - 2,795 3,354 - - - - - - 2,795 3,354 - - - - - - - - Materials Lab - - 650 780 - - - - - - - - 650 780 - - - - - - Motor Pool - - 4,512 5,414 - - - - - - - - 4,512 5,414 - - - - - - Radio Shop - 1,000 2,574 3,089 - - - - - - - - - - 2,574 3,089 - - - - Subtotal - 17,450 22,837 27,404 - - - - - - 15,101 18,121 5,162 6,194 2,574 3,089 - - - - EM E911 Public Areas - - 918 1,102 - - - - - - - - - - 918 1,102 - - - - E911 2,600 3,120 4,524 5,429 - - - - - - - - - - 4,524 5,429 - - - - Emergency Management 784 941 2,631 3,157 - - - - - - - - - - 2,631 3,157 - - - - Subtotal 3,384 4,061 7,155 8,586 - - - - - - - - - - 7,155 8,586 - - - - Juvenile Justice Center Administration 12,718 15,262 4,117 4,941 - - 4,117 4,941 - - - - - - - - - - - - Corrections Intake - - 3,211 3,853 - - 3,211 3,853 - - - - - - - - - - - - Corrections Juvenile Support - - 1,196 1,435 - - 1,196 1,435 - - - - - - - - - - - - Corrections Housing - - 7,980 9,576 - - 7,980 9,576 - - - - - - - - - - - - Corrections Programs 1,167 1,400 2,236 2,683 - - 2,236 2,683 - - - - - - - - - - - - Judicial - - 2,560 3,072 - - 2,560 3,072 - - - - - - - - - - - - Judicial Office - - 294 353 - - 294 353 - - - - - - - - - - - - Probation - - 3,260 3,912 - - 3,260 3,912 - - - - - - - - - - - - Gardian Ad Litum 1,000 1,200 1,782 2,138 - - 1,782 2,138 - - - - - - - - - - - - Subtotal 14,885 17,862 26,636 31,963 - - 26,636 31,963 - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Health & Social Services (PHSS) Animal Shelter 4,575 5,490 5,025 6,030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,025 6,030 Subtotal 4,575 5,490 5,025 6,030 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,025 6,030 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 64,969 96,011 - 31,963 9,369 18,121 6,194 11,675 9,369 6,030 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE DELTA 31,042 PARKING REQUIREMENT - 69 40 76 26 49 47 26 PARKING REQUIREMENTS SQFT CALCULATION JAIL 1/3 BEDS PARKING REQ. DOWNTOWN 283 (Missing Parking for County Administration, Courthouse and Jail) SHERIFF ADMIN 1/200 PARKING REQ. CENTRAL SHOP 75 COURTHOUSE 1/200 PARKING REQ. KRESKY 76 JUSTICE CENTER 1/200 PARKING REQ. ANIMAL SHELTER 26 STAR TAVERN 1/4 SEATS Lewis County Master & Capital Plan Preferred Downtown - Parking Lot Construction Downtown - New Juvenile Justice Center Central Shop - Renovation Motorpool 2018 (Existing)2019 (Need)Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 5Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 6 Phase 8 Downtown - Renovation Motopool to Conference Center Phase 7 Downtown - Renovation Community Development at McDaniels Kresky - Renovation Public Works & New Traffic & Sign Shop (Metal Building) Central Shop - New E911 & EM & Radio Shop Animal Shelter - New Animal Shelter Lewis County Masterplan | Project Schedule ID Task Name Duration Start Finish 1 Lewis County - Capital Facilities Master Plan 60 days Fri 10/11/19 Thu 1/2/20 2 Design Services Contract Negotiations 60 days Fri 10/11/19 Thu 1/2/20 3 NTP 0 days Thu 1/2/20 Thu 1/2/20 4 Contract Execution 0 days Thu 1/2/20 Thu 1/2/20 5 #1 - Downtown - Demolish Credit Union & Construct Parking 170 days Fri 1/3/20 Thu 8/27/20 6 Schematic Design Phase 20 days Fri 1/3/20 Thu 1/30/20 7 Design Development Phase 20 days Fri 1/31/20 Thu 2/27/20 8 Contract Documents Phase 20 days Fri 2/28/20 Thu 3/26/20 9 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 3/27/20 Thu 5/7/20 10 Construction Phase 60 days Fri 5/8/20 Thu 7/30/20 11 Post Construction Phase 20 days Fri 7/31/20 Thu 8/27/20 12 #2 - Downtown - New Juvenile Justice Center 590 days Fri 1/3/20 Thu 4/7/22 13 Schematic Design Phase 60 days Fri 1/3/20 Thu 3/26/20 14 Design Development Phase 60 days Fri 3/27/20 Thu 6/18/20 15 Contract Documents Phase 80 days Fri 6/19/20 Thu 10/8/20 16 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 10/9/20 Thu 11/19/20 17 Construction Phase 320 days Fri 11/20/20 Thu 2/10/22 18 Post Construction Phase 40 days Fri 2/11/22 Thu 4/7/22 19 #3 - Downtown - Renovate McDaniel's Property for Community Development & Env. Health 330 days Fri 4/8/22 Thu 7/13/23 20 Schematic Design Phase 40 days Fri 4/8/22 Thu 6/2/22 21 Design Development Phase 50 days Fri 6/3/22 Thu 8/11/22 22 Contract Documents Phase 50 days Fri 8/12/22 Thu 10/20/22 23 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 10/21/22 Thu 12/1/22 24 Construction Phase 120 days Fri 12/2/22 Thu 5/18/23 25 Post Construction Phase 40 days Fri 5/19/23 Thu 7/13/23 26 #4 - Kresky - Renovate Public Works & Transportation & Sign Shop 330 days Fri 7/14/23 Thu 10/17/24 27 Schematic Design Phase 40 days Fri 7/14/23 Thu 9/7/23 28 Design Development Phase 50 days Fri 9/8/23 Thu 11/16/23 29 Contract Documents Phase 50 days Fri 11/17/23 Thu 1/25/24 30 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 1/26/24 Thu 3/7/24 31 Construction Phase 120 days Fri 3/8/24 Thu 8/22/24 32 Post Construction Phase 40 days Fri 8/23/24 Thu 10/17/24 33 #5 - Central Shop - Renovate for Motor Pool 170 days Fri 10/18/24 Thu 6/12/25 34 Schematic Design Phase 20 days Fri 10/18/24 Thu 11/14/24 35 Design Development Phase 20 days Fri 11/15/24 Thu 12/12/24 36 Contract Documents Phase 30 days Fri 12/13/24 Thu 1/23/25 37 Permit & Bidding Phase 20 days Fri 1/24/25 Thu 2/20/25 38 Construction Phase 60 days Fri 2/21/25 Thu 5/15/25 39 Post Construction Phase 20 days Fri 5/16/25 Thu 6/12/25 40 Lease Ends WSECU Building @ Kresky Site 0 days Mon 1/2/23 Mon 1/2/23 41 Lease Ends Juvenile Court @ Juvenile Justice Center Site 0 days Sat 1/1/28 Sat 1/1/28 42 Bond Ends Jail & Court @ Downtown Site 0 days Mon 1/1/24 Mon 1/1/24 43 #6 - Central Shop - New EOC/E911/Radio Shop 510 days Fri 6/13/25 Thu 5/27/27 44 Schematic Design Phase 60 days Fri 6/13/25 Thu 9/4/25 45 Design Development Phase 60 days Fri 9/5/25 Thu 11/27/25 46 Contract Documents Phase 80 days Fri 11/28/25 Thu 3/19/26 47 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 3/20/26 Thu 4/30/26 48 Construction Phase 240 days Fri 5/1/26 Thu 4/1/27 49 Post Construction Phase 40 days Fri 4/2/27 Thu 5/27/27 50 #7 - Downtown - Renovate Motor Pool for Conference Center 330 days Fri 5/28/27 Wed 8/30/28 51 Schematic Design Phase 40 days Fri 5/28/27 Thu 7/22/27 52 Design Development Phase 50 days Fri 7/23/27 Thu 9/30/27 53 Contract Documents Phase 50 days Fri 10/1/27 Thu 12/9/27 54 Permit & Bidding Phase 30 days Fri 12/10/27 Wed 1/19/28 55 Construction Phase 120 days Thu 1/20/28 Wed 7/5/28 56 Post Construction Phase 40 days Thu 7/6/28 Wed 8/30/28 57 #8 - Animal Shelter - New Animal Shelter 0 days Wed 8/30/28 Wed 8/30/28 58 TBD 0 days Wed 8/30/28 Wed 8/30/28 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/1 1/1 8/30 8/30 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q220192020202120222023202420252026202720282029 Task Split Milestone Summary Project Summary External Tasks External Milestone Inactive Task Inactive Milestone Inactive Summary Manual Task Duration-only Manual Summary Rollup Manual Summary Start-only Finish-only Deadline Progress Manual Progress Page 1 Project: Lewis County Capital Mas Date: Mon 12/9/19 Lewis County Masterplan | Preferred Cost Model Lewis County Concept Design Rough Order of Magnitude Capital Facilities and Master Plan 12/9/2019 Chehalis, WA MACC Project Maximum Allowable Construction Cost Enclosed Area Unit $ / SF $x1 $x1 Phase 1 Downtown Demolition of Buildings & Parking Lot Construction GSF 368,827 SUBTOTAL 368,827 487,635 Phase 2 Downtown Juvenile Justice Center 31,963 GSF 22,330,591 SUBTOTAL 31,963 22,330,591 29,523,819 Phase 4 Downtown Community Development into McDaniels 9,369 GSF 3,398,417 SUBTOTAL 9,369 3,398,417 4,493,130 Phase 5 Kresky Construct Traffic & Sign Shop 3,354 GSF 1,146,323 Public Works 14,767 GSF 2,613,226 SUBTOTAL 18,121 3,759,549 4,970,591 Phase 6 Central Shop Reconfigure Shop for Motor Pool 6,194 GSF 1,384,359 SUBTOTAL 6,194 1,384,359 1,830,295 FUNDING STEP 1 GRANDTOTAL 31,241,743 41,305,470 Phase 7 Central Shop EOC / E911 / Radio Shop 11,675 GSF 9,400,631 SUBTOTAL 11,675 9,400,631 12,428,803 Phase 8 Downtown Reconfigure Motor Pool to Conference Center 9,369 GSF 2,500,000 SUBTOTAL 9,369 2,500,000 3,305,311 Phase 9 Animal Shelter Animal Shelter 3,030 GSF 3,014,967 SUBTOTAL 3,030 3,014,967 3,986,161 FUTURE FUNDING STEPS GRANDTOTAL 14,915,598 19,720,276 Preferred Option Lewis County Facilities Masterplan December 10, 2019 +