2019-12-17 LTAC contract meetingLTAC contract meeting December 17, 2019 1:17 p.m. Present: Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Cullen Gatten, Tamara Martin, Martha Garoutte, Dave Garoutte, Heidi Saint Aubyn Guests: Bill Serrahn, Diane Nelson Recorder: Rieva Lester Cullen Gatten explained that there had been concerns regarding the White Pass Country Historical Society’s connection with Destination Packwood. He said the county would like additional provisions, including: • Independent bookkeeper • Additional, regular reporting • Language that indicates that the group is independent from Destination Packwood Cullen said the appearance was that White Pass Country Historical Society and Destination Packwood were working together. He said the county wants to ensure that there is a division. The group said the contract is for tourism and maintenance but that the county would not dictate hours of operation. Martha Garoutte said the group would use a separate checking account and separate set of books for the record-keeping. Heidi Saint Aubyn said the Historical Society has distanced itself from Destination Packwood. Cullen noted that members of Destination Packwood made the in-person LTAC presentation. Bill Serrahn noted that Destination Packwood’s 501 (c) 6 status was revoked in 2016. Cullen noted that Destination Packwood has not dissolved to date. Bill Serrahn said he believes the original application was fraudulent and that the application should be rejected. Diane Nelson said she was shocked that Hal Blanton gave the presentation to the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC). She said it was never made clear that there had to be a firewall. Bill Serrahn noted that the commissioners have the option to approve or reject contracts. The commissioners directed Cullen to modify the agreement to reflect the changes he proposed. Meeting ended at 1:58 p.m.