2017-01-03 Central Services UpdateCentral Services BOCC Update Agenda January 3, 2017 Attendees: Commissioners Fund and Jackson, Steve Walton, Linda Williams, Arron Kunkler Start Time: 10:45 AM End Time: 11:05 AM Administrative - Personnel updates (as required) – N/A - Finance system – Implementation coordination ongoing w/Tyler. Server/software installation occurs week of 1/9. - Meet with Jill Anderson (Chehalis City Manager) Friday. Communications - E911 o Admin position – Cheryl started today. Will provide admin support to 911 and Central Services Director o Newspaper article – Spoke briefly about the recent article in the paper re: environment in the comm center. We will continue to address issues to ensure the best possible service is provided to users and citizens and to provide staff with the best equipment and working conditions that our resources will allow. - Radio o Ops normal – Scott and Jason are doing a great job in maintaining radio system infrastructure. Facilities - Elevator still working - Juvenile camera project will begin this month Fair - Storage issue. Mostly complete. A few items remain, but the bulk has been removed. - Meeting this Thursday with BOCC to discuss rates charged at the fairgrounds.