2017-01-03 Update with Health BOCC Update Minutes January 3, 2017 Start Time: 9:30 am End Time: 10:41 am Present: Commissioner Fund Danette York Commissioner Jackson Bill Teitzel Chronicle Reporter Recorder: Sandi Andrus ISSUES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS: • Coal Creek Update – Danette Discussion: Nothing new on Coal Creek at this time. Bill and Danette informed Commissioner Jackson about this project. • Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) Update - Danette Discussion: Danette informed Commissioner Jackson about this program which is paid out of 110 sales tax. Currently, we are recruiting for two nurses. Donna Muller, Public Health Nurse (PHN) in the NFP program, has a caseload of eight. We will contract with Thurston County for nurse supervision until we hire someone in the supervisory position. This is a national program that we have to follow. Our PHN III, Sandy Cooprider, was hired in August and her last working day was December 29, 2016. One reason it is hard to recruit and keep nurses is that our salary range for nurses is lower than counties around us. NEW ISSUES: • Updated List of Code Enforcement Cases – Bill Teitzel Discussion: The following items were discussed: o #1 – 139 Twin Peaks property – Runyon – There is a septic mound on this property that is failing and has been confirmed by the contractor. Owner is trying to sell the property. o #2 – FYI – There are a lot of complaints on Eshom and Russell Roads about rats. Bill is working with the city code compliance officer and will keep an eye on this area. o #3 –Ceres Hill Road, Mr. Shropher – Owner used sawdust on the property for livestock, unfortunately some of the sawdust was on wetlands. DOE went to the property and required him to pull up some of the material while it was raining, causing concerns and frustrations for the landowner. Owner has done what was requested. Closing case. o #4 –190 Allman Rd, Winlock – Reporting party is still calling Bill and has called Commissioner Stamper. The house is falling down and has a failing septic. Gray water is running onto the ground away from the house. Ownership of the property is a civil issue between the owners of the property. If Bill cites, he will include all property owners listed. Bill feels this has been going on too long. o #5 – Property foreclosure issues were received and we will now do a list of items on those known to have violations. We may end up retaining the Bonagofski property on Reynolds Ave. The blue property slaughterhouse (Airport Rd) has transient activity. o #6 – Recommendations from Code Comp Committee for 185 Uden Rd – Bob Matchett and 4003 Harrison Ave Centralia – Joel Johnson. There has been no response. Bill cannot find official records where Mr. Johnson is deceased but neighbors tell them that he is. There is no one currently on the property. o 1303 W. Reynolds Avenue - We can get that property cleaned up but Bill has concerns about how we will pay for it. The abatement fund is limited. Bill explained the abatement fund to Commissioner Jackson. Bill pulled up pictures of the Bonagofski property to view on the internet. Cardboard, car parts, recreational vehicles, and unpermitted homes were placed on the property. They need to do a solid waste clean-up and may need to remove the houses. • Veterans Advisory Board Memos (handouts) – Danette Discussion: Danette gave information about Veterans Relief Fund (VRF) to Commissioner Jackson and explained how the funds are used for veterans or their widow(er)s only. We do not give them money but use vouchers or pay specific bills for them if they qualify. We have a Veterans Advisory Board (VAB) appointed by the BOCC. With a fund balance left over from 2016, the VAB has requested we use some of those funds for increased benefits. The rent limit was recently changed. Two other items they are requesting at this time is an increase in burial benefit to $750 and an increase in poverty level qualification to 200% from 150% of the Federal Poverty level. The fund balance through December 2016 is $87,000. The VAB is also requesting approval of a dental van to come to Lewis County four times in 2017. We have a huge dental need in this county for veterans. Commissioner Jackson made a Motion to accept recommendations to increase poverty level for veterans from 150% to 200%, approve funeral benefit to $750 and to provide the Dental van four times this year. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion approved 2-0. Decision: We will send a notice to senior centers and the Veteran Museum to get the word out about the dental vans. A Chronicle reporter asked if our Veteran Benefits Specialist reaches out to the homeless veterans. Danette replied that he does go to outreach areas and works with the housing coordinator to locate veterans. Commissioner Fund asked for talking points from Danette for the meeting at the VFW meeting tonight in Morton which Danette will provide. • Social Services Update – Danette Discussion: Still no manager in Social Services. The Community Services Manager position and Nurse Family Partnership supervisor position are also vacant. Danette is looking at restructuring the department at this time. Danette is working with Michaelle on the Housing Homeless funds in the Housing Essential Needs (HEN) program. It has been determined that some exit interviews are missing as some leave the program without the final interview. Danette is looking to identify the problem and fixing it. Danette will be meeting with Department of Commerce about a comment made in social media about our program and our “not doing anything”. We need to get positive information out there. Danette pointed out that there are some people who do not want housing or shelter. The man who died at Riverside Park recently is not in our system which means he did not request help from us. We are all working together to get those services out there. Homeless Connect is coming up January 26, at the fairgrounds. Casey and Michaelle have put up flyers. We have drop boxes for personal items and we can take coats, etc., in our office. The reporter asked if we have a Facebook page. We do have a county Facebook page where we can post information about the Homeless Connect. We will provide haircuts, food, dog food, sign-ups for veterans’ services and dental services, and clothing. Commissioner Fund stated she attended the Homeless Connect two years ago and sat and ate with them. Decision: Send the Commissioners an invitation to the Homeless Connect so it can get on their calendars. Also put the information on Facebook. • Department reorganization/restructure – Danette Discussion: Already discussed. BOH ISSUES: Review Board of Health agenda for January 9, 2017 o H. Res #010917.1 Determine BOH Chair for 2017 – Commissioner Jackson will be appointed Chair of BOH for 2017. o H. Res #010917.2 Agreement with Thurston County for Health Officer – This agreement updates dates and amount for Dr. Wood’s services in Lewis County. o H. Res #010917.3 Service Agreement for Medical Student to follow Dr. Wood. o Dr. Wood will give a presentation on mumps. We had a case here that may have been a potential mumps case in a 17 year old. We did not find out what caused the swelling but tested negative for mumps. Commissioner Jackson made a Motion to move the agenda forward to the BOH on Monday, January 9. Commissioner Fund seconded. Motion Approved 2-0. OTHER ISSUES of Concern to the BOCC: • Pe Ell Senior Meeting – Danette Discussion: Commissioner Jackson asked how the meeting with the seniors at the Pe Ell Senior Center went. Danette stated it went well. Pe Ell is just a nutritional site. They also try to have activities which are outside the County and on their own. The transition team meeting is scheduled for January 11.