2017-01-04 HR Update NotesMeeting with HR Jan. 4, 2017 10:41 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Erik Martin, Karen Witherspoon Guests: Aaron Kunkler and Linda Williams Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper and Erik Martin discussed an upcoming meeting with a landowner. Erik Martin left at 10:44 a.m. Commissioner Stamper and Karen Witherspoon discussed fees for a dock at Mayfield Lake. Commissioner Stamper discussed a Memorandum of Understanding with Tacoma Power. Karen Witherspoon left at 10:46 a.m. Archie Smith discussed casual positions in the Sheriff’s Office. Archie said he’s concerned because it appears that HR is being worked around. He cited LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 concerns, as well as concerns regarding unionization and budget. Archie Smith discussed the approval of the clothing allowance. He discussed that as being another workaround. Archie said that just because something is approved in minutes doesn’t mean it necessarily has to take effect. Commissioner Fund discussed the meeting the union set up and concerns surrounding that. Commissioner Jackson said it appears that any changes regarding personnel need to go through HR. Archie said anything having to do with people, wages, hours, or working conditions would need to go through HR. Archie said he is going to look through the documents received regarding the cold case detectives. Archie said he has heard there is talk about reclassifying jobs in the BOCC. Archie said if there is a reorganization of duties, HR needs to be involved. He said HR would need to be involved at the start. Archie said the sheriff’s pay also can be viewed as a workaround. At 11:12 a.m., the Board went into a confidential union negotiation discussion for 10 minutes. At 11:22 a.m., the board extended confidential union negotiation discussions for 10 minutes. Union negotiation discussions ended at 11:32 a.m. No decisions were made. The group discussed the implementation of the state’s new minimum wage. The group discussed the turnovers in the 911 dispatch center. Daleyn and Archie left the meeting at 11:46 a.m. Aaron Kunkler returned at 11:47 a.m. Aaron asked if more testing would be done on air quality in the 911 dispatch center. Aaron said it appears to be a he-said, she-said situation. Commissioner Stamper said the board knew nothing about the concerns until the union brought it up. He said he wouldn’t characterize it as true or false information. He said he only recently learned about it and had further investigating to do. He said it had never been up by Risk Management, which the board meets with weekly. Commissioner Fund said the board was surprised to hear about the concern. Commissioner Stamper said that’s the purpose of those weekly meetings. Aaron asked for clarification that the board and Paulette hadn’t heard about the concerns. Commissioner Stamper said generally if an employee has a concern, they’ll contact their supervisor who will then contact Risk, which will then fill the board in on what’s going on. Aaron asked what will happen next. Commissioners Stamper and Fund said the board would rely on updates from the various departments. Commissioner Stamper said Roof Doctor has been contacted about the leaks. Aaron asked if the board was unsure if there was mold? Commissioner Stamper said he had the same report Aaron has, which indicates the air is clean. Commissioner Fund said, “We value our employees and we want the best, safe working environments for them.” Aaron left at 11:57 a.m. Commissioner Jackson urged inviting Christine Fossett to attend the Directors Updates as well as inviting her to meet with all three commissioners. Commissioner Fund left at noon. Meeting ended at 12:06 p.m.