2017-01-05 PDR discussionPDR discussion January 5, 2017 9:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Becky Butler, and Paulette Young (by phone) Recorder: Rieva Lester Paulette Young said it’s possible Risk could provide funding for a PDR position. Becky Butler said she doesn’t think one position could do both safety and BOCC PDRs. She said perhaps the board should speak to HR. Paulette said that if a position was created within the BOCC, other offices may be interested in using it. Becky said elsewhere, it’s a higher position than Casey Mauermann, who is a DPA. She talked of using a Records Officer or Records Manager. Or hire with the same job description. She said someone needs to come in and create a process, create policies, create a website from which all PDRs are funneled. Becky said the key would be to pull in the right, qualified person who already knows how to use the tools and can offer training to others. Becky said across the state, that type of position generally falls in the equivalent of Lewis County’s 22 to 25 pay range. Becky talked about looking at Megan Sibbert’s job description and the possibility of including public records. Commissioner Jackson asked about using current BOCC staff to fill the position, but the group talked about the current BOCC staff not having the experience, training, and qualifications for that type of position, which Paulette said would cover all departments countywide. Becky talked about the physical location of the position, such as possibly the IT department. Commissioner Jackson asked if the county has the money to afford the position. Becky and Paulette said the county must find the money for it because the liability risk is so high. The group discussed a recent $500,000-plus fine lobbied against a nearby county for missing a box containing a record. Steve Walton joined the meeting at 9:58 a.m. Paulette discussed a recent Island County ruling regarding the Island County Prosecutor’s Office. The case included the PA suing the Island County board for bringing in an attorney for land-use issues. Paulette said any conversations she has with outside attorneys falls under attorney-client privilege. Paulette said the Risk Pool will put out a legal memo regarding the State Supreme Court ruling sometime within the next week or two. Paulette said she would like to set up a meeting with the group and the Risk Pool. Paulette and Becky talked about placing the PDR / Records Management position under IT, Risk, or the BOCC. Becky said she would contact HR about what the PDR / Records Management position would entail. Paulette left the meeting at 10:31 a.m. Commissioner Stamper talked about needed Paulette to take the reins on the PDR situation. Aaron Kunkler joined the meeting at 10:34 a.m. Meeting ended at 10:35 a.m.