2017-01-10 Meeting with Fair Advisory CommissionMeeting with Fair Advisory Commission January 10, 2017 4:08 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Daryl Lund, Jennifer Slemp, Todd Mason, Steve Walton, Doug Carey, Tamara Hayes, Julie Balmelli –Powe Recorder: Rachel Hunt and Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper started the meeting with a thank you to the Commission for all of their work with the fair. Tamara Hayes addressed the status of several members who are resigning from the fair advisory commission. Fair association and the Fair Advisory Commission- has some member crossover, brief discussion of bridging the communication gap and try to work cohesively. Fair Association is more the “making the fair happen” as Todd Mason said. The Fair Association is specific to the Fair in August. The Commission is more the year round operations of the fairgrounds. Daryl Lund mentioned that if the Fair (event in August) was “great again” there would be less pressure on the rest of the events held at the fairgrounds throughout the year. Tamara Hayes addressed that with the current status there are two groups neither of which feel they are the running the actual event of the Southwest Washington Fair. Commissioner Jackson reiterated communication is key between the Fair Advisory Commission and the Fair Association. Daryl Lund mentioned a new appointment to the Fair Advisory Commission. Commissioner Jackson made the point that the new people will have to go through the appointment process but needs to be started by the Fair Advisory Commission. Commissioner Fund said to encourage the movement forward of getting people on the Commission. Julie Balmeli-Powe asked the BOCC “what is the Fair Advisory’s job duties?” Tamara Hayes asked if there is a benefit to having more Commission members. Commissioner Stamper talked about the confusion surrounding the budget in the past. Commissioner Stamper and Steve Walton talked about budget constraints. Commissioner Fund said she knew of one year in which the fair appeared to be in the black but late payment submissions put it in the red. Julie asked what budget the group could affect. Steve Walton said the group is walking a tight budget line. He talked about the difference between facilities and other expenditures. Doug Carey discussed the difference between capital expenses and facility expenses. Doug Carey said he and Tamara Hayes have talked about kiosks. Julie said there was talk in 2016 about cutting x, y, and z, which would save $40,000. She said she would like to see where cuts could be made to find savings opportunities. Tamara said she has looked at the premiums, the premium job, entertainment, etc. She said she too is trying to look at the budget to try to find areas that could be streamlined, cut, etc. She said that once the fair gets on the CAMS system, the fair will be better able to pull reports for line- item breakdowns. She said she may be able to find the 2016 reports. Commissioner Fund recapped the group’s plans: Put out recruitment, create a budget analysis in laymen’s terms for the group’s next meeting, and create subcommittees that will be open to having outsiders involved. The group talked about opening and closing ceremonies. The group talked about the possibility of having the same committee work on both. Tamara invited the group to the public meeting planned for Jan. 31. Steve Walton said the goal to improve communications is a move in the right direction. Steve said Tamara will begin having monthly meetings with the commissioners. Meeting adjourned at 5:28 p.m. 1. By-Laws Changes- Fair Advisory Commission as opposed to Fair Commission, titles of positions, communication between the Fair Advisory Commission and the Board of County Commissioners, membership numbers minimum of 5- maximum of 7. 2. Roles and Responsibilities- 3. Relationship building with the community to develop alternative fair & fairgrounds support and community projects 4. Communication 5. Budget