2017-01-11 Risk Management Meeting MinutesRisk Management Update Minutes January 11, 2017 Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Paulette Young, Archie Smith & Aaron Kunkler Start Time _ _11:36 a.m.___________ End Time ____12:50 p.m.______ 1. Discussion from Archie that several elected officials had asked if the Commissioners were going to close the courthouse due to inclement weather. Decision was made not to close the courthouse at this time. 2. Discussion on transition plan for Risk Management Office – Discussed varies ideas on transitioning the Risk Management Department. Some of those ideas were: a. Leave the current system in place and revisit the topic at a later date. b. Looking in-house for a replacement for Paulette and have Paulette train that person for about a year or so. c. Hiring Prothman and opening the position to outside and in-house applicants. d. Personal services agreement e. Dividing up the duties of the Risk Management office and placing those duties under other Departments. After lengthy discussions, it was determined to leave the current system, Paulette working remotely and traveling back and forth) in place and to revisit the topic at a later date. 12:30 Archie and Aaron left the meeting. 3. Discussion on Open Workers’ Comp Claims – discussed all open claims. No decisions were made 4. Discussed the 911 complaint of mold and debris. We will contract out air quality testing at least once a month until one month after the roof remodel is complete. 5. Working remotely schedule. Paulette is here until the 25th and then will be back in March. She will be back for two weeks in March so she will be working from AZ for all of Feb.