2017-01-17 Meeting with Risk PoolMeeting with Risk Pool January 17, 2017 1 p.m. Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Derek Brian, Paulette Young, David Fine, Glenn Carter, Steve Walton, Becky Butler, Susan Loucker. Guest: Sharyn Decker. Recorder: Candy Hallom and Rieva Lester Derek Brian of the Risk Pool discussed what the Risk pool does, the state of risk pool. There are 16 risk pools in the State. He briefly explained the history of the WCRP and how it was established. Derek said the pool is regulated by the state risk manager. He said the pool follows WAC 200-100. He said the Risk Pool is a stand-alone separate entity. Paulette Young said the county’s deductible with the Risk Pool is $100,000. Derek gave an overview of how the Risk Pool premiums work. He talked about “reinsures” and fund balances used to offset increases. Commissioner Stamper joined the meeting at 1:20 p.m. Susan Loucker gave an overview of the Memorandum of Liability Coverage, which is voted on by the members of the Washington Counties Risk Pool. She said the membership for years was divided on PDRs and ultimately decided not to cover those. Paulette Young said counties, such as Klitsap, have opted to leave the Risk Pool. Susan said the Risk Pool offers a good deal for the state’s counties. She described it as a gigantic safety net. She talked about deductibles and counties being able to set those. Susan discussed pre-defensive reviews, which she said must come from the county’s Risk or Prosecuting Attorney’s office. She said those are capped at $5,000 per incident and require approval from the Risk Pool. If it becomes a claim, the amount paid goes toward the deductible, she said. She said she has 72 pending now. She said it has mitigated a lot of claims. Susan said Derek would come back to give a “report card” overview of the county’s claims. At 1:36 p.m., the board went into Executive Session for 30 minutes to discuss pending litigation.