2017-01-17 PDR position discussionPDR position discussion January 17, 2017 10:30 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Becky Butler, Steve Walton, and Paulette Young. Recorder: Rieva Lester Commissioner Stamper said he believes the PDR position should go under Risk. Paulette Young said it certainly could fit under Risk – she said her four options would be: under BOCC, under Steve Walton, under IT or under Risk. Paulette talked about using 505 fund for the first two years and then having any electeds who want to use it to begin contributing after that. Becky Butler talked about the position having the ability to use IT to search records. Becky asked if the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office could say it would not provide legal advice about public disclosure requests. Paulette said that no, the PA’s office cannot say it won’t provide legal advice. Paulette said that if the county gets the right person in the position, it will alleviate the amount of help that has to be requested. The group discussed an upcoming meeting with the Risk Pool. Archie discussed the PDR position: Non-commissioned, salary exempt, at least 21 C/D, access to network system, WAPRO certification. The group talked about the position becoming a records management-type position. Meeting ended at 10:55 a.m.