2017-01-18 Auditor Treasurer UpdateUpdate with Auditor/ Treasurer
January 18, 2017
Attendees: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Jackson, Commissioner Fund, Arny Davis, Rodney
Reynolds, Larry Grove, Suzette Smith, Becky Butler, Steve Walton
Recorder: Rachel Hunt
Meeting Start- 10:35 a.m.
Liquidity portfolio
LGIP rates are increasing.
Reviewed additional interest be investing at Timberland and Opus as opposed to keeping it all in LGIP.
28% restricted county funds with the liquidity portfolio 72% special purpose district
1.6 million received 2016 vs. 2015 year to date.
Commissioner Jackson briefly stepped out of the meeting at 11:00 a.m.
Review of revenue by department totals-
All the other funds- Collectively received 87% of their budget year to date. Comparing 2016 to 2015 all
funds have received $2,462,201 million more.
Discussion of doing a 13th month summary. 13th month is what is earned but not yet received.
Page 7- showing investments long term and short term as well as outside of county investments
2016 $ 56 million invested long term and short term- December 2015 $ 45 million invested.
All of the earnings from funds outside of current expense goes into the General Fund. As long it is not
restricted by RCW.
Page 8- December 2016 current expense cash and investments over the last 7 years.
Lewis County is in good shape compared to other counties in terms of the fund balance.
2010& 2011 money was taken from transportation programs and used it to pay salary and benefits to
cover what was missing from the general fund. Needs to have a specific one time use.
Expenditures- 13th month.
Over budget- Auditor elections, flood control. Waiting approval of the final budget amendment.
Page 3 current expense totals- 96% has been spent for 2016.
There is absolutely no roll over of the budget at the end of the year.
Meeting ended at 11:44 a.m.