2017-01-10 Update with CD Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\01 - January (Jan. 1-Feb. 5)\Week of Jan. 16\CD Jan 10\2017 01-10 Update with CD.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 01/10/2017 Time: 9:00am Present: Commissioners Edna Fund, Gary Stamper and Bobby Jackson, Lee Napier, Eric Eisenberg, Lee Napier, and Sheriff Rob Snaza Note Taker: Pat Anderson Lee update the Commissioners on a topic discussed last month when not all of the Commissioners were present. Staff would to work with the Planning Commission to develop a definition and supplemental code provisions related to development proposal on designated resource lands. This would require a code change and the Planning Commission needs direction. Eric stated last month at the Planning Commission meeting there was a discussion about land uses and rural governmental services were in the same conversation. Our code does not include any provisions for rural governmental services. A public hearing before the Planning Commission has been set for January 24 on this topic. Lee stated staff is creating a definition for rural governmental services. Along with that definition, the code would allow this type of use as a Type II administrative review. Lee briefly discussed the with the Board the Planning Commission process. Once the Planning Commission has completed their work (workshop and public hearing) all recommendation of the Planning Commission are transmits its findings to the Board. Lee asked if there was consent to move this particular topic forward. Commissioner Fund made a motion for the Planning Commission to review draft revisions to 17.30 related to rural governmental services in designated resource lands. Commissioner Jackson seconded and the motion carried. Issues from previous meeting(s): Covered below Reivised Draft Marijuana Code Lee distributed a revised draft code. During the last hearing, the Board directed staff to research and either add or refine the draft text to include provisions to address the following concerns: odor, capping the number of establishments, advertisement signs, and licenses fees. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\01 - January (Jan. 1-Feb. 5)\Week of Jan. 16\CD Jan 10\2017 01-10 Update with CD.docx Eric explained that odor is a complicated issue and he suggested writing an odor control rule rather than writing it into the ordinance. We want to finish this process but we do not want to take another 6 months. We can pass the ordinance and work on the odor issue. There was discussion about the types of control would be appropriate to mitigate the odor that might be a nuisance or offensive to neighbors. Signage Eric explained that the draft code directs the signage to the home based business. In this section of code, the establishment is limited to a single onsite sign. Number of licenses allowed The draft code was revised to suggest 10 retailers along with 10 production/processors. Sheriff Snaza asked what number is manageable and who is going to monitor them? After discussion the suggestion was made to change the number from 10 to 5. Fees Lee stated the fee is $500, as well as the annual renewal fee. Sheriff Snaza suggested there might need to be a cost for inspecting and for law enforcement. For example, Sheriff Snaza predicts that the Sheriff’s Department team would be doing quarterly inspections, which is their investment. Getting a partnership with the business takes time – 2-3 hours on 4 occasions. Lee suggested that the code language specifically stating the fee be struck. Instead a reference to establishing the fee in the schedule of fees table. Eric’s will revise the language and the fee schedule. The revised fee will be $1000 with the understanding that staff will assess the true cost with the intent to later propose a revised fee. Eric noted that what happens procedurally on the 23rd would be a continuation of the last meeting. There will be a draft of what we talked about today. That will be a substitute from the initial one and an amendment is needed. You could move to substitute the amended draft for the original draft and it needs to be available to the public. The Board asked Lee to schedule a follow up meeting to complete the agenda.