2017-01-23 Update with CDY:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\01 - January (Jan. 1-Feb. 5)\Week of Jan. 23\CD Jan 23\2017 01-23 Update with CD.docx Agenda for BOCC Update Department: Community Development Date: 01/23/2017 Time: 3:00pm Present: Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Stamper, Lee Napier and Pat Anderson Note Taker: Pat Anderson Updates and Hot Topics: Planning Division Planned Growth Committee (PGC). The meeting date is Feb 8. Discussion will include: population allocations, Countywide Planning Policies, Urban Growth Areas (UGA) and Interlocal Agreements (ILA). Lee would like to talk about ILA regarding UGAs as well as services that the county currently provides for some small cities. It might be helpful to talk one on one about UGAs. Provide staff the opportunity to discuss how each ILA is working for each jurisdiction Last week, Lee briefed her Chehalis and Centralia counterparts that the County would like this conversation to start in 2017 with the goal of revising all ILAs this year. Population Allocations – The PGC will look at population allocations from all cities, Onalaska and Packwood communities. Similar to last year, John Kliem will serve as staff to the PGC meeting(s). Urban Growth Areas-Joint Management – The County did not receive any requests to alter UGA boundaries. The PCG process outlines that requests are to come to the County between September and December. A Winlock City Councilor has asked the County about agreements with other jurisdictions for permitting and related services. Subsequent to that, and at the request of council, the Winlock Clerk asked about the possibility of working with Lewis County Community Development. At the request of some council members, she asked the County to respond to a number of questions. Due to our current work load and staff levels, the department will not pursue expanding our current services. Hirst Decision – Lee will be attending a Senate Hearing in Olympia. Tomorrow’s Planning Commission meeting will include a public hearing on rural government services. There is a large gap in the code that involves several Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\01 - January (Jan. 1-Feb. 5)\Week of Jan. 23\CD Jan 23\2017 01-23 Update with CD.docx jurisdictions. Lee reminded the BOCC of the process that includes forwarding the findings of the Planning Commission to BOCC after the public hearing Permit Center Monthly report – Lee presented the year-end report which also included 2014 – 2016 permits issued. The department is exploring how Adept can create better report(s) Commissioner Fund suggested that the statistics be shared with the newspaper and on Facebook. Lee reported that the contractors are 6 months out and that permits might slow down while they are catching up. Process Improvement Initiative – Lee reported that the latest improvement was the lobby. Along with Community Development displays, Public Works and Environmental Health are also interested in featuring their projects. The current display was created by Fred and Pat and includes poster related to the comprehensive plan along with a before and after display related to the website and development applications. The staff continues to improve the applications, checklists and site plans examples. The cities of Chehalis and Centralia are also interested in adopting our final applications for their use and to show unity amongst the permit centers. Commissioner Stamper asked about feedback on working through our improvements. Lee stated people wanted better customer service. On-line permitting does not seem to be a priority for customers. Commissioner Stamper shared that we are getting more people in Packwood that appreciate what the County is doing. Lee stated the final inspection at the Packwood airport is due soon. The community is interested in helping with the grand opening ceremony/celebration. Other – Commissioner Jackson now represents the Chehalis Basin Partnership. There is the need for a citizen appointment to the voting member position. Lee reported that Ecology sent a letter regarding its formal review of the Shoreline Master Plan (SMP). The public process/review has not begun. However, once complete, the BOCC will be asked to review the comments and adopt the plan. Tacoma Power and county staff coordination is improving. One changes is that Tacoma Power now sends a letter stating they are okay with the county issuing those permits. This coordination does not mean all docks are exempt. If the cost of the improvement exceeds the dollar threshold, it becomes a Shoreline Substantial Development permit. Y:\Board Packets\Update Minutes\2017\01 - January (Jan. 1-Feb. 5)\Week of Jan. 23\CD Jan 23\2017 01-23 Update with CD.docx A person wants to do mini storage, which is not allowed in Crossroads Commercial (CC). Lee explained that even though CC is a commercial area, storage is considered warehousing which is an industrial use and not allowed in CC. Commissioner Stamper asked if that could be changed. Lee explained that a code change to accommodate this one individual has an impact for all of CC in the county. Commissioner Stamper asked how much work it would take to make this change. He thought the County owes it to taxpayers to explore all options. Lee stated something will have to come off Fred’s plate to free up time to address this request. She also asked if the Board felt this was the type of economic development the Commissioners want. She also has concerns that it serves only one individual and that a legal challenge could be quite costly as well as difficult to defend. She suggested that once we get through the Comp Plan update, staff could review the land use tables to improve flexibility in the code. Commissioner Stamper suggested asking the neighbors. If there is opposition then it should not go forward. If there is not opposition, then look at the possibility. Adjourn 4:50