2017-01-23 Wrap UpMonday Wrap-up January 23, 2017 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Danette York, Eric Eisenberg (who joined the meeting at 9:24 a.m.), Becky Butler (joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m.) and Steve Walton (joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m.) Guest: CJ Neer Recorder: Rieva Lester Danette York said she would be out of the office for two weeks (one week for a conference and the second week as vacation). She said she would be back at work Feb. 10. She said the county has another active TB case. She also said she’d like to pursue hiring a consultant to look at the best ways to operate the office. She said she is looking at having a deputy director rather than two managers. Decision: The commissioners supported Danette’s request to speak to a consultant. Danette also said April Kelley will plead guilty soon. Danette said ACHS has sent out billing topping $1,000. She gave the following overview: ACHS did not have internal controls to prevent the April Kelley theft. Because of that, WASAC is assessing billing for services rather than relying on ACHS dues. Danette said the county can always opt out of ACHS. She said ACHS is more of an information-exchanging service than anything else. The group talked about the owner of M and K Market, who plans to picket in protest of having to purchase a $125 food permit. The owner sells milk, etc., which requires a food permit, Danette said. She said reminder notices are not required but are sent as a courtesy. If the business owner doesn’t pay on time, the business is levied a $50 late fee. If they still don’t pay, the business is closed. Danette left the meeting at 9:19 a.m. Commissioner Stamper began to go over the agenda. Commissioner Jackson asked if Commissioner Fund would make the motion for the marijuana ordinance. He said he would second it. He said he would like to make a public statement after the vote has been taken. Eric Eisenberg joined the meeting at 9:24 a.m. Eric said there had been scuttlebutt about the marijuana ordinance. He said if the Ordinance 1271 did not pass today, the moratorium would remain in place. He said Ordinance 1271 would put safety and health regulations in place. The new ordinance would allow marijuana if federal law allows it. Eric said the board could approve the proposed amended changes. He said the board would need a motion to amend Ordinance 1271. Then there would be a motion to pass Ordinance 1271. Becky Butler and Steve Walton joined the meeting at 9:37 a.m. Becky gave an overview of the budget amendment on the Jan. 23 agenda. Becky Butler and Steve Walton left the meeting at 9:40 a.m. Eric gave an overview of the proposed changes for Ordinance 1271. Eric said if a commissioner has a procedural question, they can say, “Point of Order, Commissioner” to the chair. Then the Chair would CJ Neer told the board that a recent incident in Packwood is causing an uproar. She said that a girl was walking her dog. The girl’s dog attacked another dog. The owner of the victim dog slit the throat of the attacking dog (a pitbull), killing it. Commissioner Jackson said he is opposed to growing marijuana for recreational use. He said he supports medicinal marijuana. Meeting ended at 9:58 a.m.