2017-01-24 IT UpdateIT Update January 24, 2017 1:30 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Wohld Recorder: Rieva Lester Tech services AS400 redundancy server: Steve Wohld said IT would look for a used AS400 to be used as a backup in an effort to avoid long outages for the finance system. He said it would cost roughly $4,000. Facebook-sponsored job ads: Steve said Facebook-sponsored ads appear to reaching a large audience. Steve said the nurse ad had reached roughly 17,000 people for roughly $100. He said the budget is $10 per day and word of mouth (shares, etc.) spread it further than the original investment. The elections ad has reached 11,500 people for $75. Also, for $140, the county reached 7,600 people with its post about the senior centers. Steve said he has talked to Daleyn Coleman in HR about taking over the FB posts. He said Daleyn was supportive of the idea. Broadband opportunities: Steve said an idea he has for broadband is working with wireless internet providers for rural areas and possibly offering short-term lease agreements for use of the county’s radio towers. The group pegged the minimum requirement at 20 meg or higher. Steve said the county could even consider leasing land for an entity to install its own towers. Steve suggested possibly talking with Breeze. Finance system: Steve said the systems have been installed. He said Megan Sibbert has been perfect for the position. Spillman: Steve said 911 troubles identified included servers, hardware, software and the administration of those. He said those troubles have been resolved. Steve said he continues to support Spillman for $160,000 annually. He said if that decreases, 911 could use those realized savings to build up fund balances to take care of dishes, etc. He said Spillman is now healthier than it’s ever been. Development Rivers page: Steve said there were 7,000 page views. Prosecuting Attorney’s Office: Steve said work has begun Prosecuting Attorney’s Office request for a victims’ texting program. Assessor’s Office: Work has begun on Assessor’s Office request for automation. DLC Facebook followers: Steve said the county has 18,600-plus likes on its Discover Lewis County website. He gave an overview of the stats for age groups, etc. that have liked the site. Social media accounts for about a third of the DLC traffic, he said. LTAC: Steve said the county received three LTAC grants. Kiosks / City of Centralia: Steve said a kiosk will be installed at the visitor center in Centralia. He said another kiosk will be installed inside the sports complex. Steve said another kiosk is wanted at the train station in Centralia. Farm Bureau / USDA: Steve said he’d received a kind letter thanking IT for its help. He said Amanda Price helped design a logo for a Fresh from the Farm campaign. He talked about creating a self-guided tour modeled after Thurston County’s Bountiful Byway. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 2:46 p.m. Linda Williams joined the meeting at 2:48 p.m. Steve said the Chamber let its web page expire. He said that’s why many of the links are broken. Steve said he envisions the Chamber being in charge of brick-and-mortar sites and the county manning the website. Amenities: Steve said IT is working on an amenities brochure. He said he will be sending postcards with web addresses for brochure links to spread the word to businesses, families looking to locate in Lewis County. 2017 videos: Held over. Meeting ended at 3:02 p.m.