2017-01-30 Wrap UpBOCC wrap-up January 30, 2017 9 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Archie Smith, Daleyn Coleman, Graham Gowing Guests: Harry Bhagwandin, CJ Neer, Susan DeLaire Recorder: Rieva Lester and Rachel Hunt Archie Smith discussed recent union negotiations. Harry Bhagwandin left at 9:05 a.m. The board discussed having Daleyn Coleman present the offer. Archie said he would like HR to be called any and every time union negotiations come up. Commissioner Fund invited HR to join discussions about Steve Mansfield’s retirement. Archie said Steve and Graham Gowing called DRS and were given incorrect information about retirement. Commissioner Stamper said he wants to check about the cold case detectives, one of whom appears to be LEOFF 1. Archie said the last employer owns the LEOFF I responsibilities. Daleyn said it appears that if the cold case prospective retired under a certain buyout, they apparently would not be able to be hired. Commissioner Stamper asked where the applicants sign up for the position. Archie reiterated that HR’s involvement was zero. Harry Bhagwandin returned at 9:23 a.m. Archie said he would contact the DPAs with the offer and have Daleyn join him. Archie and Daleyn left at 9:26 a.m. Commissioners reviewed the upcoming agenda for the BOCC Business meeting. CJ Neer mentioned community concerns about marijuana shops popping up throughout the county. She said that most people understand even with the moratorium a federal permit is still needed. Graham Gowing joined the meeting at 9:32 a.m. Archie and Daleyn returned at 9:32 a.m. Graham said if a retiree returned to a LEOFF I-eligible position, the last employer would be on the hook for all medical expenses. To be eligible, it would have to be a full-time and fully compensated position. Even a split position could be considered LEOFF I eligible, Graham said. Graham said he recommended the cold case detectives be hired as Position A and Position B. Daleyn asked what would happen if the employees’ hours pushed them into extra hours. Graham said if the position worked full hours for five (5) months for two (2) consecutive years, it could be Graham said he and David Fine had visited DRS to ask about the positions the previous week. Archie asked what would happen if the union claimed those two positions. Right now they are casual employees who will carry sidearms, Archie said. He said a full-fledged deputy could say, “This is our work.” Archie said he wants to make sure the Guild has waived its rights. Archie said he wants something in writing that the Guild does not want to claim the position. Commissioner Fund asked Archie and Daleyn to ask for that waiver from the DPAs in writing. Commissioner Fund discussed a resolution discussing collective bargaining. Archie, Daleyn, and Graham left at 9:45 a.m. Harry Bhagwandin said he’s worried that the agritourism grant he has been working on is dead in the water. CJ Neer said her group didn’t want to be in a position where it could be viewed as a “pass-through.” Susan DeLaire joined the meeting at 9:48 a.m. Commissioner Fund left at 9:50 a.m. Harry said he’d heard there was a movement to change up the structure of county government. He said he was told that Commissioner Fund was in support. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson said Commissioner Fund was not in support, rather she attended a meeting she was invited to. Archie returned at 9:52 a.m. Commissioner Stamper and Commissioner Jackson discussed why a charter government would be a bad idea. Commissioner Fund returned at 9:54 a.m. Meeting ended at 9:55 a.m.