2017-01-31 Meeting with Steve MansfieldMeeting with Steve Mansfield January 31, 2017 10:09 a.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Steve Mansfield, Archie Smith, Graham Gowing Recorder: Rieva Lester Steve Mansfield said he contacted the Department of Retirement Services (DRS) three times before accepting his current position. He was told he could go under PERS 3 with a minimum 30-day separation after leaving his previous post. He said DRS then said additional money could not be added to his retirement. Steve said his compensation was comparable to his predecessor, which was $6,285 per month. Steve said his agreed-upon compensation package included an additional amount to make up for the difference by adding to Steve’s retirement amount. Steve said he asked for consideration about it once before and was turned down. He said he wants to reopen the discussion. Steve said that the law states you have an emergency management program with a director to administer it. He said the contribution already is in the budget. He said he turns back that amount every year. Steve said he’s not asking for more money. Rather, he said, he is asking for what originally was agreed upon. Commissioner Stamper asked what the difference was. Steve said the difference was a little over $500 a month. Commissioner Jackson asked for clarification about what Steve is requesting. Steve said he wants what originally agreed upon – the $500 more a month – but that it would have to be a salary bump because DRS indicated – after the fact – that additional money cannot be given for retirement. Steve said he is doing more than what’s on the job description. Steve said he is in charge of the EOC, which was assigned – on paper – to the sheriff. He said the transition didn’t occur as it was assumed to. Steve said he had given former Commissioner Schulte a copy of what Steve viewed as a correct representation of his actual duties. He said nothing was done with it. Commissioner Stamper said things are getting cleaned up. Steve said his focus is on people and partnerships. Archie Smith said this is a situation where pre-conversations occurred before HR was involved. He said he would like to have Steve mark up a job description and then resend it for scoring. He said it would take roughly two weeks. Steve said he believes in process. He said when that process is circumvented, it undermines those efforts. Steve said he helped Pe Ell get access to FEMA money. Commissioner Jackson said Lewis County is blessed to have Steve. Steve said there would be no impact to the budget because the money already had been allocated. He said he is not asking for a raise, rather, he is asking for what already had been agreed on. Archie talked about “all other duties as assigned” and said that phrasing cannot be applied to duties that exceed the skill set and complexity of the job. He said it is important to pay people according to the job their doing, not relying on the “all duties as assigned.” Steve talked about people and partnerships, helping to get process and paperwork done. Commissioner Jackson discussed Bi-Coastal Media’s response to the 2007 floods and how that too was an example of forward thinking. Steve talked about the importance of planning and preparing. Archie said he will send an editable job description to Steve. Once it is returned, Archie said, it will take about two weeks to have scored. Archie and Graham Gowing left at 10:42 a.m. Steve discussed an interlocal agreement with smaller cities for Emergency Management. He said he will update the services provided and what the cities’ requirements are. He described the need for a continuity plan. He said he can help cities facilitate that, but he said he is not the person who would do it. He said his role is more of a consultant / facilitator. Steve said the Chehalis chief has not had involvement. He said in his defense, Chehalis didn’t have much happen, even during the floods. Commissioner Jackson asked about Steve’s relationships with the Chehalis and Centralia police and fire chiefs. Steve talked about mitigation, preparedness, and response being key to an EOC. Commissioner Stamper discussed the fact that Steve served as the liason for the smaller areas, such as Pe Ell. He said the larger cities are a different beast. He said he plans to create manuals of sorts to show the cities what their responsibilities are. He said his role is to act as a consultant, not take the lead. Steve said he is going to meet with Stacy Denham. Commissioner Stamper said the interlocal agreements need to be updated. Steve said he reviewed the interlocal agreements every year. Commissioner Stamper suggested discussing the interlocal agreements during the Mayors / Managers meeting. Steve said to discuss the interlocals and the scope of services, which will be updated in July. Steve left at 11:02 a.m. Commissioner Stamper said Judge Buzzard has asked for an increase to pay for a part-time probation officer. Commissioner Stamper said it sounds like something Archie needs to be brought in to discuss. Rieva said she would give a copy to Archie. Commissioner Stamper said Jonathan Meyer’s has asked to again present his request to give his employees bonuses. Commissioner Jackson said it’s again something HR needs to be involved in. The commissioners discussed how to approach the Monday morning press conferences and Monday Wrap Up meetings. The commissioners discussed the need for structure. Commissioner Jackson left the meeting at 11:23 a.m. Commissioner Stamper discussed Tacoma Power’s error, which led to fish deaths. Meeting ended at 11:25 a.m.