2017-01-31 Napavine and Kirkland Road Flood StudyNapavine and Kirkland Road Flood Study January 31, 2017 2 p.m. Present: Commissioner Stamper, Commissioner Fund, Commissioner Jackson, Guests: Jen Slemp, Michael Snell, Chris Dodd, Ron Averill, Scott Boettcher, Judy Breen, Jay VanderStoep, Steve Ashley Recorder: Rachel Hunt Introductions Scott Boettcher said he initiated the meeting. Flood Authority funded a study to determine what kind of project would make sense in the Kirkland Rd./ Napavine Area. At this point in time the project is only on paper not a specific plan. The Governors work group did not accept the placeholder project. They focused on shovel ready projects. Chris Dodd and Scott Boettcher agreed to go through the report via power point. General summary of the study-Newakum on the east side of the map with a constriction area south of exit 72. The project wants to create a conveyance area and relieve some of the flooding of the underpass. The analysis also looked at a drainage basin and soil type. Conclusions- there is existing drainage in the area but it is undersized to handle normal run off from a 100-year storm. Chris Dodd stated Napavine has funding for permits but not any kind of project reiterating there isn’t anything but a study at this point. Fill dirt was put in south of the exit but north of the river crossing, forcing the water to go elsewhere when it was previously absorbed. Creating a lawsuit between the property owners in the area and the county. Judy Breen added the west side of the freeway is a flood plan because the river backs up there, the east side is now a flood way. She said she can hear the water rushing through her property which she can hear in her house. Commissioner Jackson asked “What the involvement is as Lewis County” Steve Ashley conferenced called in at 2:23 Steve said starting from the beginning has been the flooding concern of Kirkland and Rush road. Counsel had agreed to do some sort of study to alleviate some of the flooding by upgrading/ reshaping culverts. The main idea of the study is to identity the low spots of this area and how to control the flow of water through this area. The most cost effective way would be to utilize the right of ways already there and upgrading the ditches along Kirkland road. The costs would predominately be contractor costs and upsizing of culverts. Commissioner Fund asked “How it would affect Mrs. Breen’s property?” Jay Vanderstoep added “what is the impact is to the surrounding properties” Steve said they believe the water would leave the properties quicker getting the water back to river quicker. Increasing the size of the culverts and reshaping the ditches releases the water quicker and in a lesser volume. Ron Averill asked if Grant & Osbourn consulted a hydrologist on the size of increasing the culverts from 10inches - 15inches. Judy Breen stated they never had an issue until the fill was allowed to be moved in in 1990. Stating it has been wrong from the beginning. She stated she doesn’t a going from a 13in -15in culvert will fix the problem. She also expressed concern that all of her utilities to her house are underground. Additionally, she expressed concern for her irrigation. She asked if the banks will be wrapped. Further she asked if they plan to shoot some of the water on to Bond road? Steve said yes some of the water will be diverted on to Bond Road. Breen said its to protect exit 72 and businesses without concern to the rest of the property owners in the area who have been there for hundreds of years. She also asked how expensive this will be? Especially if it doesn’t flood every year. Steve said the project is a half million dollars (540,000). He addressed the concerns about bond road. He said they will not be putting water anywhere it doesn’t already go. It will just be getting the water back to the river at a much faster rate avoiding ponding in areas. Judy Breen mentioned in the past floods none of the buildings have flooded. They might not be able to get in or out but the actual structures have been flooded. Commissioner Fund suggested collecting the questions and get them to the consultant. Steve stated it is a study. But before it goes to an actual project there will be more time for questions and answers. The scope was limited predominately to the Napavine city limits. Mr. Smell expressed concerns over the project if all it is doing is to flush water downstream. Steve said the hope is to get water back to the river where it belongs instead of the surrounding land owners’ properties. Mr. Smell asked where the retention pond is by Starbucks because he doesn’t see a retention pond. Mr. Smell additionally said if the water goes where the plan predicts it increases the amount of water on his property from through all of the phases. He asked “What flood phase do the culverts kick in?” referring to the culverts upstream from him at exit 72. He said “Be a good neighbor don’t just flush water downstream” Scott said it seems since the study was just the city of Napavine there needs to be a broadening of the scope and to look at the upstream and downstream effect. There needs to be a look at strategies to slow the water down. A tool which has been very effective is inundation maps. Ron Averill said they not only need to address up and downstream but additionally they need hydrology studies. Judy Breen said the tides also have an effect. When the Chehalis can’t empty, then the Newakum can’t empty. Scott said they will collect the questions and readdress the scope of the project. Commissioner Jackson discussed possibly following up with the consultant and other property owners. Commissioner Fund added the funding that is coming up for July 2017-July 2019 which gives time to address all sides. Ron Averill added the basin policy is no fill. Jay VanderStoep added he gets the idea behind the project and there is value in what it is looking at. The root of the problem is the interstate so blame Dwight Eisenhower. The interstate is what’s causing the blocking south of exit 72. Both Judy Breen and Michael Smell said they will bring pictures. Conference called ended at 3:18. Meeting ended at 3:19.